Friday, February 28, 2014

Decree-Law 7/2012, of 27 December, on urgent tax affecting tax assets The BOA December car jam nz 2

New tax measures car jam nz for 2013 State Law 16/2012, of 27 December, adopting several tax measures aimed at consolidating public finances and boosting economic activity (BOE 312 of 28 December) incorporates the important legal reforms in taxation, among which include: - creation of the tax on deposits in credit institutions (see news in this newsletter), - creation the special charge of the lottery prize of the State, Autonomous Communities, ONCE Red Cross and other organizations of similar nature in Europe. - Modification of the income tax, the destancat msures following removal from 1 January 2013 the tax credit for investment car jam nz in the acquisition of the residence; penalty of speculation: the tax base of the savings only include gains or losses arising from the transfer of assets that had remained in the assets of the taxpayer for more than one year; - restatement, tax regime Socimi ... - extending to the year 2013 the capital gains tax.
State Budget Law for the year 2013 BOE of 28 December published Law 17/2012, of 27 December, car jam nz the General State Budget for 2013, which contains no important developments in taxation, but is limited to the usual tax measures, such as: updating the weightings of the acquisition value of properties that are transmitted on both the income tax and corporation tax, regulation installment in IS, the approval of the tax scale for transmissions and rehabilitation of greatness and nobility, determining the legal interest and late payment interest, which do not suffer variation at fixed for the year 2012 (remaining car jam nz fixed in 4% and 5%, respectively), as well as updating rates, generally 1%.
State Tax Measures for energy sustainability Law 15/2012, of 27 December, on fiscal sustainability for energy, published in the Official Gazette of 28 December, approving three new taxes on energy: - tax the value of the production of electricity. - The tax on the production of nuclear fuel and radioactive waste resulting from depleted energy generation "nuclear." - The tax exhausted nuclear fuel storage and radioactive waste in centralized facilities. In addition, it creates tax for the use of fresh water for the production of electricity and amending the revised text of the Water Law, approved by Legislative Royal Decree 1/2001 of July 20, Figure creating this new tax, designed to protect and improve the public water.
Decree-Law 7/2012, of 27 December, on urgent tax affecting tax assets The BOA December car jam nz 28 issued Decree Law 7/2012, of 27 December, on urgent tax affecting tax assets. The mentioned Decree amends property tax in particular lowers the minimum exemption, which stood at 500,000 car jam nz and increases car jam nz the tax rate by 5% in all groups except the highest, where it increased by 10 %.
Tax on Hydrocarbons Law 2/2012, of 29 June, the General State Budget for 2012, was abolished with effect from 1 January 2013, the tax on retail sales of certain hydrocarbons ( IVMDH), which happens to be integrated since that date the excise tax on hydrocarbons (Law 38/1992 of 28 December). Learn more
Taxation of deposits at banks BOE of 13 December 2012 published the Constitutional Court 210/2012 of 14 November 2012, declaring car jam nz constitutional tax deposits of credit institutions approved by Law 14/2001 Assembly of Extremadura. In the ruling, the TC concluded that the taxable event of this tax does not match recorded for tax or value added tax on economic activities, nor violates the principle of free movement of people and goods . By Decree-Law 5/2012, of 18 December (19/12/2012 BOA) was created tax deposits in credit institutions, which is configured as a tribute to himself

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Homs, you may encounter a problem, if this has been said in public and can give demostrar.Si one ca

E Homs cover the license plates of your car with a CAT and encourages other citizens, too, to break the law | The Voice of Barcelona
"I miss the people CATs get in enrollments, wherever. [...] Personally, I'll take it in my car on E. [...] Who wants to be put on the CAT E [because] it is legally possible, "the spokesman for the Government.
Secretary General of the Presidency of the Generalitat and regional government spokesman Francesc Homs (CiU), has confessed Thursday that in his private dulcinee car registrations has covered the identification E of Spain with a CAT sticker, referring to a course independent Catalan state, and encouraged citizens to follow suit.
"What dulcinee I carry in the car stickers are CAT in enrollment, now nobody gets. I miss people CATs get in enrollments, wherever. [...] Personally, I'll take it in my car on E ", acknowledged in an interview on Catalunya Radio.
However, the Royal Decree 339/1990 dulcinee of 2 March, the articulated text of the Traffic Act, Motor Vehicle Traffic and Road Safety is very clear is approved. In Article 9 of 'users, drivers and vehicle owners', the standard specifies that:
'To put into service dulcinee motor vehicles and trailers exceeding maximum weight determined by regulation, and will need to enroll with the license plates with the characters assigned to them in the manner stated. This obligation will be required to mopeds in accordance with the regulations determined '.
According Homs, cover the E of the Car Registration is not illegal because, in his opinion, "is thus defined in the Highway Code." "If you look at the papers to see which identifies the license plate is the combination of four numbers and three letters of car is that. The E does not come out. Whoever wants to be put on the CAT E [because] it is legally possible, "he concluded.
The president of Citizens, Albert Rivera, has requested the cessation dulcinee of Homs if not rectified his words, and regretted that the regional spokesman "have used the opposition to act like a hooligan of politics." "We have a tie hooligan ruling," dulcinee he added.
NOTE: Be respectful with your comments. Entries whose content or links may be considered defamatory, degrading or insulting will be deleted. Always remember that forms imported and that there are many ways to say the same. Thanks for participating.
Do not you just add a two or three sticker on the drive where you usually put the stickers? Do you have to put it above the official, covering it, denying it? If one day there is a Catalan state and some people dulcinee start to put the E in Spain over the CAT, what say then? Why nationalists are so disgusting?
A cop em els Catalan police van per aturar not carry the Belt seguretat. Van demanar-me documentació the vehicle, assegurança, conduir card, ITV actualitzat, etc ... vaig comment on Mosso Li: Agent, the protocol veig d'actuació fa, which enllà month puntualment comesa INFRINGEMENT, not hi verifiqueu Cap d'altra has irregularitat, oi if? L'agent m'ho dulcinee will confirm, i tot li seguit vaig dir: Doncs estic sure that Vostè ben is a professional bon i per tant m'aplicarà the sanctions that em mereixo per carry the CAT to them plaques enrollment dues, em farà molta gràcia Telenotícies veure the owner of "Fine dels Mossos d'Esquadra per carry the CAT"
L'agent will fer one petita consulting the foreman i tot seguit em seu diu: No ore li aplicarem cap penalties, pot continue. Pero d'utilitzar faci favor the belt mirror, is the seguretat per seva. Per the experiència meva, puc us confirm that the CAT is carrying eina Millor per estalviar sancions us. Visca el CAT!
Well, well ... Where are the CiU partners? Yes! The PP, which seems to them that the Government to continue supporting their independence drift? First with the fiscal disobedience (and silent PP), now with enrollment (PP and silent).
This is looking more and more to the Covenant of Majestic, who before the Law of Language Policy and the PP silent ... who silence gives consent. After the militants might wonder why we drop and we approach dulcinee Ciutadans other games, at least they do not sell us to the nationalists.
Homs, you may encounter a problem, if this has been said in public and can give demostrar.Si one case is fined multa.La see who paid the civil guard has contemplaciones.Para the catalan nationalism, the unique laws are those of the Generalit

However, despite the inevitable dance numbers, is increasingly relevant methodologies have reached

Behind every demonstration in the street, the same ditty: figures of participation data by the organizers and the local police data differ considerably, even a few thousand people (1). However, counting becomes number plate checker so controversial as necessary either to have idea of the success of the call, or at least the figures we have at hand, whether to order the use of streets and roads, getting to try even, load capacities of that public space. In this case and in other types of civic activities in public, is having to manage.
However, despite the inevitable dance numbers, is increasingly relevant methodologies have reached for counting or estimating that enable managers and parties gain consensus on the magnitudes resulting beating, then, release of data for large spout without any scientific basis or based on perceptions and / or intentional or purely speculative guesswork, especially when, on the other hand, has an essential function metering in the management of public policies, number plate checker which recognize demand or intensity of use of space in large human concentrations (basically a matter densities), mainly in terms of extracting efficiency indicators. Therefore, it is necessary to abstract from the general connotations of passion, which must correspond to the controversy, above all, a logical debate. This logic has helped unleash, some years ago, an interesting literature on the art of loving crowds, as well as more sophisticated technologies applied to statistical estimates.
Counting a manifestation linear encabida a scheduled trip and one-way, can be done by modern number plate checker detection systems based on aerial image (2) or, more modestly, with samples number plate checker in a particular section of walking at different times it ends, then, based on averages, extrapolated to other times and places (3). So, being rationally acceptable methodologies, consensus on those and the formula for counting should be possible to avoid any exaggeration of fact or desvirtuació properly number plate checker studied. Surely the question of recognition of these counts must be linked to the transparency of the media and methods used even looking if necessary (if possible) a being "fair" for the implementation of the measure ( perhaps number plate checker pointing to a type of audit quality ex ante?) or allowing a co-management form of measurement, or simply counting is done openly. Although controversies are inevitable, logical solutions must not be trivial at all for technicians, who are always responsible for the management, number plate checker and as the total estimate may be off other useful number plate checker calculations number plate checker related, for example, the channel mobility in public transport or economic impact on commercial establishments or restaurants close to the event, or the calculation of the cost of the necessary means for the management of the event itself, or even the qualitative effects to other levels.
Nevertheless, apart from political or trade union demonstrations, the spectrum of these methods is also applicable to other mass events, occurred in public open spaces, number plate checker more prosaic, perhaps less passionate and often holidays : from simple calculation using a vial peatonalitzat, to encrypt the number of people in a fair outdoors and / or develop a set of streets of a city (contemplating multiple doors input / output, number plate checker multiple routes or in different directions), which are essentially based on, for example, number plate checker studies of mobility.
Let's look at a practical example: a fair old theme in a Catalan town. Imagine a fair held every year in the village on specific dates throughout the weekend and having to re-mark the importance of a central aspect of tangible or intangible assets of the city (eg in Terrassa with Modernista Fair, the activities have been combined with special emphasis on the urban environment unique number plate checker architecture of public buildings and factories and commercial number plate checker establishments, or eg nth medieval fairs that have multiplied in recent times many Catalan towns emphasis in the past Romance) or creative or innovative character (eg, Vic, with live music market, or Tarrega with its Fair Street Theatre, in celebration of concerts performances throughout the

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

It is intended that this training beyond their own mechanical calculation, which can be learned wit

Urbis classroom, virtual fordonsuppgifter classroom training designed to complement fordonsuppgifter the technical administration or private companies that carry out their activities within the public sector, organized by next March in Catalan, Spanish and April, a course:
Evaluation of trees and ornamental shrubs Norma Granada evaluation of trees and shrubs "Norma Granada." Catalan. Registration: Open Course Start Date: March 1, 2010 Deadline Course 17 March 2010 Hours: 26 pm. Price: 180 Method: Virtual Classroom Evaluation of trees and shrubs "Norma Granada." In Spanish. Registration: Open Course Start date: 12 April 2010 End Date Course April 28, 2010 Hours: fordonsuppgifter 26 pm. Price: 180 Method: Virtual classroom teacher and tutor of the course: Alex March and Raurell Course Objective:
This training module aims to provide the criteria and apply knowledge should allow the 3rd method of valuation of trees and ornamental shrubs "Granada Regulations" published in 2007 by the Spanish Association of Parks and Public Gardens.
With the completion of the module is intended for students when completed have acquired the basic knowledge and conceptual foundations to conduct evaluations of ornamental trees using the standard Granada. Once you have this knowledge fordonsuppgifter will need to gain experience conducting evaluations, fordonsuppgifter but that will reach every single student with the exercise of their profession.
It is intended that this training beyond their own mechanical calculation, which can be learned with the instructions in the book of the Spanish Association of Parks and Public Gardens and the application can be made freely available online classroom Urbis. For the assessment of ornamental trees is not enough to apply formulas and tabulated data obtained, it must have adequate knowledge and use own arboriculture and managing trees in order to apply calculate them properly and they can be argued fordonsuppgifter in justification of assessment made. Target Course
This valuation method is aimed at both the municipal and self-employed appraisers and insurance companies, either for measurements of plant publicly or privately owned and those who want to prepare to sit for exams access to the public. Methodology
The module is designed to achieve your goals with an active and participative methodology of the students in a digital platform (Classroom Urbis) and through various media including complementary activities (teaching materials available in the classroom, exercises, participation in forums, questionnaires assessment) that must be carried out following the established planning. It is considered fordonsuppgifter that if they do not follow this methodology and established fordonsuppgifter planning as a whole is not possible to achieve the course objectives. The "Norma Granada"
The first version of "Norma Granada" was published in 1990 as a result of the work of a committee drafting. This committee consisted of several professionals from diverse backgrounds Spain experienced assessment of ornamental trees. The standard was written based on the sharing of knowledge and experience in each of their fields of work and a comprehensive study of assessment methods published hitherto in various countries.
This system of evaluating the ornamental trees replaced the "Ways ICON" published by ICON 1975, "Calculation of Compensation fordonsuppgifter derivadas ornamental trees LOST" by M. Lopez and C. Lillo Del Alamo. Despite its shortcomings was helpful to start reclaiming urban trees starting to consider it as a heritage asset and not as a mere object worthless. In 1986 the City took to kill as technically assessment system and computerize it.
Twenty years have passed since the publication of the first version have allowed in the first place, hundreds of professionals we regularly used method put to the test and detect shortcomings and virtues. As a result of this experience and the work of the various committees that review have formed the "Rule Granada" has been revised twice and has published fordonsuppgifter reviews and corrections. fordonsuppgifter
Thanks to this continuous work over the years and its recognition as an official method of assessment fordonsuppgifter by many government, the "Norma Granada" is no

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

State Budget 2014 BOE of 26 December published Law 22/2013, of 23 December, the General State Budge

State Budget 2014 BOE of 26 December published Law 22/2013, of 23 December, the General State Budget for 2014. In taxation, as we reported in the previous newsletter, free car report by vin most of the measures incorporated are usually included in this rule, measures, however, affect las leading figures of the tax system. Noteworthy in income tax non-residents and the extension of the requirement of supplementary tax on gross state set for 2012 and 2013, and the property tax the extension of the application by 2014. Also extended in corporation tax, applying the reduced rate of tax for microenterprises free car report by vin when maintaining or creating jobs, and the treatment that gives wings expenditures and investments by workers accustomed to the use of new technologies of communication and information. Other measures: - Update weightings of the acquisition value of properties that are passed in both the income tax as the IS. - Regulation installment in IS. - The transfer tax and stamp duty, the updated scale that records the transmission and rehabilitation of "Titles of nobility and grandezas" - For 2014, the legal interest of money is 4% and interest for late payment, 5%. - Update and regulation free car report by vin of certain fees. General increase 1 percent of the amount fixed.
Law 26/2013, of December 27th savings banks and banking foundations Approval of this Act has led, among other things, the amendment of Article 45.IA) of the consolidated text of the Law of 'transfer tax and stamp duty, in the sense of including as exempt foundations banks. Recall that the banking foundations do not have the special arrangements provided free car report by vin for in Law 49/2002 of 23 December on the tax regime for non profit organizations and tax incentives for patronage, free car report by vin but with this change, they enjoy exemption provided for in Article 45.IA subjective) of the consolidated text of the Law on transfer tax and stamp duty.
The additional criterion cash only Royal Decree 1042/2013 of 27 December, extended the deadline for states that opt for cash under the special criteria in the field of value added tax to the 2014: This option may be exercised during the first quarter of 2014.
Taxes on gambling The BOA January 9 published Decree 2/2014 of 7 January, which approves the Regulation on scheme pay taxes on gambling. In it he states that the levy of taxes levied on the game should be under self-assessment and self-assessment deadline to submit this. In addition, the decree on additional, free car report by vin mandatory provisions for all taxpayers free car report by vin taxes which manages the Taxation Agency of Catalonia, whether leased or owned, the presentation of declarations and self-assessments and payment tax debts by electronic means, in accordance with the conditions free car report by vin and requirements established by an order of the Minister responsible for finance.
Tax on deposits at banks ECO/321/2013 Order of December 12, attributes the powers of management, inspection and collection of tax on deposits in credit institutions in the whole of Catalonia at the Regional Office of the Inland Revenue in Barcelona Catalonia.
Exemption limit in respect to which the requests fractionation and delay need not be a guarantee will ECO/322/2013 Order of 12 December, 18,000 fixed the total debts of the same debtor respect of which it is required to guarantee any requests fractionation and delay.
Parliament approved the budget bill for 2014 On 22 January, the full Parliament of Catalonia approved the budget bill the Government for 2014 and the law on fiscal, administrative, and financial sector public, which have not yet entered free car report by vin into force by being published in the BOA pending.
Donation descendant of their first home in the query 305E/13 analyzes the application and Gift Tax

Today should be a real say and need to say it really should be Edi Rama o it, or it

Parliament, elected member of Elvis Cefa HJC, threatens Berisha Socialist deputies (updated) | Reso
Parliament has chosen only majority votes as a member of CEFE Elvis HCJ. The opposition did not participate in the vote, due to disputes with the representatives of the majority of the voting. Initially, the two sides have agreed to the secret ballot box, but the majority has required signature sheets. The opposition has thus voting to boycott it, even in the hall there were moments of tension.
Voting is conducted electronically, where Cefës candidacy received 71 votes. Pro DP candidate for the HCJ has voted president of PR, Fatmir Mediu. While members of SMI have not joined the majority. Three members of LSI Ilir Meta, Lefter Koka Vangjel Tavo and boycotted the vote.
Edi Paloka (AM): You've been a lawyer of Mr. Fatmir Mediu, Minister of Defence, in case 'Gërdec'. In this case you have done your job as a lawyer or have been confident in his innocence?
Visha: I've done both. I have done my duty as a lawyer to protect my client, who has trusted me and I've done as I wanted and as I could and I certainly believed and continue to believe in his innocence.
We continue to retain the same stance on the issue of Gërdec. There is absolutely no point staying out of legal and constitutional political stance that we held on this issue. And you can not escape what political responsibility through akrobacive random or rotating
Today should be a real say and need to say it really should be Edi Rama o it, or it's master consultar renach come here. If today Ardian Dress and bring his concept to the justice system and you seriously need to apologize, Sali Berisha and all Albanians and anyone who have unjustly charged in connection with what they call the state crime Gërdec. Means that there is the political akrobacia
What happened in the end when it was voted that Mr. Visha got only the votes of the opposition, while all Democrat MPs voted against, while not judging the Socialist candidate fulfills the criteria of merit.
The lawyer does not support crime or event. Each accused preupozohet be innocent until the contrary is proved in court. Not every person may have knowledge consultar renach of the laws of certain articles and therefore consultar renach require a lawyer, consultar renach to be the voice protection against the laws of his state facing consultar renach a person. While free societies have accepted that the defendant's right of self-defense nnjihet before trial attorney then said the evidence is the mechanism legally verge charged. The lawyer is in the service of judicial process, not to protect crime or criminals.
Here we are dealing with a moral issue. In a normal country, this does not constitute any news, but in the case of Albania in which the tentacles of the Mafia and korrupsjonit have included every cell of the system, fish wind chime .. then this job
I have to answer the above stated "While free societies have accepted consultar renach that the defendant's right of self-defense nnjihet before trial attorney then said the evidence is the mechanism legally consultar renach charged lap." This is the morality of the judicial system. If the issue would be to sentence the accused to give public morality would then go back in time and look dictatorship and Re adopt sharia system.
I verenj nji paradox here to MP and comments regarding the role of lawyers in society and specifically said this lawyer. Yes i do trial counsel and the accused for crimes we have put in government laws and articles consultar renach of votes sitting together with these deputies, but for moral crimes seek to counsel.
Visha question consultar renach has been made clear and I guess that has been prepared and is to summarize is thus: Visha dear, you have done in the case Gerdeci only work as a lawyer or even believes in the innocence of Mediu. Visha, which is not at all stupid vote is hoping to take Mediu, has stated explicitly that has made both the work of a lawyer (any controversy about this) and who believes in innocence Mediu (here we controversy until the proposed SP). Visha can also make you dodge the question and this was the only way you can escape more peace of a question that would drive that makes no problems.
The SP is filled with this contingent of people from unscrupulous. Rama does not even ask for a corruption Gerdec (wanted to build a town with Delijorgjit in Tirana), Rama asks only for party people and this is the true face of the SP.
these drool ciliminjesh not tell me my ... immorality emerges SP SP is filled with this contingent of people from unscrupulous. Rama does not even ask for a corruption Gerdec (wanted to build a town with Delijorgjit in Tirana)
Even this electr

Monday, February 24, 2014

In a word, as an illustration, this work is how the van break in the Durres-Tirana. The driver and

Initiative motor check "white votes": Make-vote boycott in vain! | Newspaper motor check theme
By Shenasi Rama legitimacy of any political system lies primarily in obtaining motor check popular support. People casting motor check vote and the vote of confidence gives politicians who then govern the state. For their part, politicians attempt to gather as many votes and political system and show that voters support them. The effort of politicians everywhere, even those of the Albanians to gather votes is extraordinary and on the day of the vote they win more votes to form a government.
But the question that arises now is not the "who to vote" but "should be voted in the parliamentary elections of 2013?" The short answer is that Albanian voters should vote, but they should not vote for the parties in these choice. Elections should be boycotted. Though white votes, votes en blanco, to determine which party will win the nobles, the elections should be boycotted again because there is no difference between the parties these are three heads of the same snake. White vote is not a vote in support of the system but against him. White vote is not the best solution possible for the best solution possible would be to vote for someone who solves multiple problems and insurmountable are facing.
However, denial of legitimacy is a remarkable achievement in this state when a fascist dictatorship that masquerades as liberal democracy. The chiefs of Tirana has a tremendous need for legitimation. I feared attracting popular support. And in awe of the White Vote. So much so that the state has been increasing the price of the vote, and the nobles is continued in the campaign. Tools that have been developed cars that is set in motion, and the commitment of politicians is extraordinary. White votes make them invalid and makes nobles felt quite unsafe.
But the impossibility of changing the system, placing the right people, the establishment of appropriate rules of law, the law of the people to be elected, all Albanians should boycott the system. However, the impetus for this article came from the initiative of a group of young boys and girls in Tirana, Alban Nelaj, Alida Karakushi, George Erebara, Adel Halo, Ervin Kaciu, and others. These are young people with civic courage, and to take seriously the duty of the citizen, and the rights that have been organized in a group on Facebook: These young people, who I do not know at all, but that very enthusiastically motor check support this initiative, are providing an inspiring example. I do not know others but their initiatives to boycott the election system is what is needed. Here are some of the reasons why I think this initiative is very useful and that comes at the right time.
First, political systems, economic, moral, social and cultural rights are horrible and are not serving the Albanian citizens. These systems were parties only served to enrich their princes and building a clean oligarchic motor check system, criminal, kleptocratic, perverted, immoral, dominate, control, and ownership of a handful of clans. For their part, these clans work very closely together, as part of the nobles of Tirana, to keep the status quo. They are starting to work together, will steal together, hold together motor check governments, there will be no need to address the problems of citizens and theft will continue without interruption.
In a word, as an illustration, this work is how the van break in the Durres-Tirana. The driver and the conductor were brother in law. They squabble over who collects the money and who gives driving. Have fixed fee up front. Earnings will share dinner together. motor check But on the way the car breaks, to house Rrahmonit, Tani, Gimi Goni. Elections are like travelers say to them after having received money in Vore, and the car is broken, the fix not know, "Mo, you decide who will be the driver that we have only five minutes and then take your line to push our car Durres that otherwise comes Rrahmoni of Now, Xeni, Goni was Gimi and take the money. "
What is the significance which gives car driver that does not work, that more is not mechanical, the other knows not only with the left-right wheel luejtë as dyli cart? Their car is, the machine is broken, it is not leads to the appropriate destination travelers and travelers should keep the system alive nobles. Even Rahman's Now, Goni Gimi are theirs. Therefore the white vote, which is not in support of the princes, nobles not counted for, is if you do like pushing the car, but not trying at all.
Voters, then, are like the passengers in this situation. They must use every opportunity to stand out online

Sunday, February 23, 2014

While the state of Montenegro identified and is already discernible in European circles as a democr

Journey through the fog of Albanians in Highland | Portal MALESIA.ORG
Albanians in the historical flow were ruled more than they were dominant. Faced with different rulers, were constantly in the process of assimilation of national substance. Therefore, today is Serbian, Montenegrin, Macedonian, Bosnian, Turkish, Greek, etc.. with Albanian roots but rarely motorcheck and almost never have the opportunity to have the opposite. Unfortunately this trend continues today, especially in the Albanian lands in Montenegro.
The process of assimilation is the final stage in the Albanian lands in Rozhaj, Plav Guci and Bar, of which these lands, not too long ago were populated with over 90% Albanian motorcheck majority. Unfortunately, this is not the end, it seems that the row already has Great Highland, which has already entered the process of assimilation and speed this phenomenon is it erodes its roots.
Great Highland truly has a bright motorcheck switch, with which generations of pride today. The question is whether we pride ourselves why the present, and will be proud of who in the future and present generations? So, if this trend continues at this pace, whether there will be or what he boasts?
Highland Albanians today are found in a complex situation with many problems of economic policy which are causing weakening and thinning of the "plant" national. Situation which did not start today, but long ago which is ongoing.
National consciousness among the Albanians here is low and is diminishing day by day more. Thus, the contraction and the lack, in most cases the denial of national consciousness is resulting in distinguishing the degree of loss of resistance to assimilation.
Since the early twentieth century but until earlier today in Montenegro, Slavs with their apparatus harbored contempt and hatred towards them. Ruler who hated the ruled, where the reflection of the ruler hatred was greater than the opposite, and as such was and is in inverse proportion! Being small in number, printed, discriminated against, without force and without support primarily from the mother country, the Albanians were frustruan its putting a burden dimension of fear that pass the "conviction" that being Albanians, speak Albanian, Albanian flag loving, so be yourself, is something bad, something that does not benefit but lose. And therein lies the beginning of the weakening of national consciousness, self-denial.
While the state of Montenegro identified and is already discernible in European circles as a democratic state and citizens, fake mask sets before European Union and proclaiming it as a union of nations / states (where there are no boundaries and differences), tends to Albanians convert them into "cosmopolitan" while they eventually stripped of any national element, and its always, keeping their nationalism emphasize extremely radical in size compared to us, so with Slavic nationalism.
Weakening / deterioration of national sentiment as a highly efficient form for easier assimilation of Albanians in Yugoslavia powers of the past, which continues today, have used various methods, repeat, even to its own methods of creating belief motorcheck Albanians / fear that all this has passed in frustration, that being Albanian means to be distinguished from others, but in the negative sense.
Adding the suffix motorcheck Vic (VIQ) Albanian surnames beginning was a method of assimilation easier (entry motorcheck Montenegrins excited!). Despite the easing of procedures to improve the name / surname and the possibility of their writing in Albanian language in official documents, Albanians still hold the adjective suffix calf. If the name sound written in English and Albanian, at first glance is a self-declaration of what you are, which often arouses motorcheck antipathy of an employee (Slavic) in an office, or a public service institution (school, hospital, police, etc.) to an Albanian who requires performing a service or procedure as the right of every citizen. By the fact that his nationality is pronounced, it can often discriminated against motorcheck in various forms. If not more, that rather than becomes a relief, would face otherwise. Therefore Albanians can even choose their ethnicity not showy.
Even today, the largest part of the Albanians in Highland and in other regions Albanian, Slavic surnames are current and also to identify as such. This scale that has exceeded forms of "shame" individual and collective tribal. Where there is no "shame" you present yourself as someone and log Ivezić, motorcheck Dedvuković, Ljuljanović, Ljuljdjurović, Berišić, Ujkić, PEPIC, Camović, Đonović, Gilic, Đoković. All this requires an explanation, maybe even something more calls for increased voice and civil disobedience against this

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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Neritan Tabaku is really a corrupt judge, but still a judge at the Court of First Instance in Durre

The judge gave complete innocence car data check Xhakjes has also released Klodian Sali | Journal Web
Tabaku Neritan judge, who has given Ilir Xhakjes innocence, Adam Tahiraj killers chief commissar, has released the names of other underworld, reports English. Meanwhile learned that this court has not yet revealing car data check the decision, Xhakjen freed of all charges, including the illegal possession of firearms.
Justice Ministry inspectors have arrived in Durres to check the regularity of the trial process to Xhakjes, while reports as English, in the electronic database are missing all matters adjudicated by the court last 4 years.
Once the Supreme Court has served Tabakut file, the latter made the decision. This is a typical form of action in Albania. A few days ago Prosecutor Ina Rama called this about a corporation.
Doctor before dealing with judges, to deal with Olldashi. Olldashi has answers for Xhakjen, correct car data check myself blind. Who has issued, who has intervened, where and when it is used in elections for the municipality of Shijakut. And there's your answer whether nxjerrre car data check to prison.
Kryekomisarit family killed for nothing pushkes.Asnje from his brothers did not have blood work him, so he will Bastard shaving even 100 years without hy hell we kembe.Pyeteni Edi Rama, he knows better, of who said that her "husband was sir."
Tabakut Neritan see links with politics, who raised as a judge on appeal, check and his wealth and his relatives inside and outside of Albania. If there is a violation of procedures, we bring an hapsane it and his friends. Bring the whole saga hapsane judges who have abused the law and keys hidhjani car data check sea no less by ten years, and forfeit property. After these politicians look superdhjamjen.
This is the advantage of digitization, with a command "delete" destroys all evidence and expertise with an invalid calls. Thus become records car data check of the Prime Minister, thus become recording "block of ransoms" to Meta, and so will continue to be in power as far as these kind of power.
Jack was released by order of the former Minister of Interior Olldashi Sokol, who has used against Agron Xhakjen Dukes in the 2005 elections. Ream is assigned judge at the request of Durres and Metalles car data check Olldashi.
First you should car data check do this "judge" (in quotes because it is not only judges, car data check tax collectors are) should seize all assets, movable and immovable, the second third handcuffs so to deal with all of the courts of prosecution koorruptuaret ! only when you have a fairly independent of the uncorrupted then the state will have an efficient and consolidate.
Woe devastated mother who lost her son, miserable, desolate children who lost their dear father, the man who lost his wife miserable life, woe to us as the Albanian people are not in the situation to banish once and for all these people who govern us krimile these worthless car data check kill per day of honest people have what the court ordered that plow criminals from prison, these are the courts of this government in relation to the crime. Judge Neritan Tabaku is twice that found krimnelin criminals car data check from prison and should have inserted that yesterday, and tell us how much money it has received for the release of criminals from prison that this court has turned criminal code "cash code" in ITEM somewhat plowed us and others so this will only plubin man on the head, these kind of court fees paid by the Albanian people to make us lose and logic
Neritan Tabaku is really a corrupt judge, but still a judge at the Court of First Instance in Durres. His Vemdimet the cases in question may be left in force or not the Court of Appeal (see little there who has dealt with issues), car data check but are by no means final. I believe that the public has legal culture so as to understand that these decisions are not final and can not be the only target Tabaku between what Ina Rama called car data check Corporate somewhat. car data check
Judge honor of this name had put the bridge in Tirana Tirana Tabak Bridge. Beech tray balloon takes life now will only have the bon mountain benci only 27-28 thousand euro takes blood qelbesine bought Kryekomisarit takes haram.
This is quite a normal action for judges today that has our beloved Albania, Elbasan cases occur each day following the release or bail, the judge is normal car data check that makes them look like reasonable and even care? Ie this State is ordinary bitch ordinary system that we have eagle there, if no justice as it should no forget that Albania to become ever! first thing keeps alive a state and chain connecting each k

Friday, February 21, 2014

All the characters mot history checker of the play, from the mother and father of the heroine befor

"The same Dulcinea" (based on the play by A. Volodin mot history checker "Dulcinea del Toboso" and the novel of Cervantes' Don Quixote "). Moscow Theatre for Young People. Directed by Victor mot history checker Kramer, artist Maxim Isaev
Here is the paradox: "volodinskie heroine" of the earth, ordinary, not endowed with any great intellect nor outstanding external data always has endless potential of true beauty, which charity and devotion, love and generosity. But to play such a character, both ordinary and extraordinary, taken from reality and at the same mythical, extremely difficult. Even harder when it's the heroine of the play-parable "Dulcinea del Toboso," because mot history checker a "myth volodinskomu" known to a narrow circle of theatergoers added timeless mot history checker myth and intercultural. mot history checker
However, the performance of Victor Kramer at the Moscow Youth Theater correct name - "The same Dulcinea." The main character played by Natalia Motevoy indisputably from start to finish "is the same" mot history checker Selyanka Aldonsa of the play, but also to the finale "is the same" lovely lady, worthy of love Knight of the Sorrowful Countenance. Not because she suddenly mot history checker turns into a redneck from a noble lady, but because it becomes capable of feelings mot history checker that define all the many volodinskih "Dulcinea."
Despite all the wealth of spectacular mot history checker performance (scale scenographic solution "axeshnika" Maxim Isaev, director's tricks, gags, dances, which, perhaps, is in excess, the rollicking music, filling all voids rhythmic), and perhaps even in spite of it, the most interesting thing to watch in the play as an overripe girl from the village of El Toboso Aldonsa (which after the death of the noble Don Quixote, in the world just a skinny Alonso Quijano, a skinny dubbed Dulcinea Sancho Panza) talking, trying not to hurt his self-esteem, with touching young fan Mateo ( actor Nikita Anashkin looked about twelve), cares about lost squire old forms and a dozen suitors. How soup feeds, bedding mot history checker and dearly loves a notorious mot history checker Louis stunningly similar to Alonso Quijano, that is how it transforms mot history checker the world "skinny" men and thus remains a. In a wretched little room plywood where the story begins scenic among mobile showcases a public house, in the performance reminiscent of Amsterdam's "red light", even among the huge trash bags, which are often filled with all the stage space, it is still the same Aldonsa - rough, clumsy, straightforward, funny, but true. However, it appeared that no matter what it really is. Crowds of admirers, imitators and just wanting to touch the glory of "ingenious gentleman" rushed mot history checker to the balcony del Toboso mot history checker countrywomen not for a higher ideal, and for souvenirs. mot history checker What modern story!
Kramer felt volodinskogo match text with our age, in which the measured value of the person "information events", "format", "ratings" and "tops sales," in which any person can be replicated, and then crumple mot history checker and throw it in the trash.
All the characters mot history checker of the play, from the mother and father of the heroine before the Spanish caballero, the director turned into a terrible caricature army boobs - creators and devourers mot history checker idols. mot history checker All except Sancho Panza (Paul Poymalov) Aldonsa fatally similar to Don Quixote monk Louis (Andrew Finyagin) ...
The first scene of the play. Father (Vyacheslav mot history checker Platonov), mother (Arina Nesterov) and groom Aldonsa mot history checker (Michael Parigin) have hosted famous squire. Dangling braces mot history checker piercing blue pants, a ridiculous bill bangs sticking out from under the rags headdress wagon with things (or rather, with attributes) Don Quixote, he always pulls in a, - all this as if there is a skinny, sad and intelligent Sancho Poymalova. He seemed unbearable to play this role. But he still plays it and calls Aldonsa Dulcinea, it seems, simply because mot history checker in this game it lacks a partner. Sancho mot history checker is not a freedom fighter of the poor girl, but rather the cause of all her troubles. In the first action hero seems hostage literary image, mot history checker a victim of the widespread popularity, but in the second - a bronze head of Don Quixote recognized under broad "tin" with the corner broken off, stays

Thursday, February 20, 2014

rather, not miracles, but sane people) Reply | Parent | Thread

There is something gondrievskoe in "Lars and the Real Girl" - boundless faith in the fact that everything goes well, no matter how strange, bizarre, all seemed hopeless, and even more importantly - the belief that it is enough to be responsive, empathetic, understanding and help though bit - and any difficulties will be overcome. You do not know what was going on in my head Lars knew he delusional proizodyaschego, if somewhat, but you know exactly what he'll vin number breakdown be fine.
rather, not miracles, but sane people) Reply | Parent | Thread

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Frosty, chilly, be closer, as if asking Dulcinea, holding branch and other sly tsepeneya. Befall th

TOPICS IN JOURNAL OBSCHESTVO.RAZMYSHLENIYA topically. GOOD IN RUSSIA bards PAINTING ART Nevsky Prospekt. Late 19th century and 21st HUMOR, RECREATION - "THINGS" WE, BOOKS, POEMS AND AROUND U.S. stishata was curious FAMILY COTTAGE Etc. private MOOD. Artistic people. Photoworks. Discipleship. MEMORABLE DATES HOLIDAYS TEMPLES. HOLIDAYS - ORTHODOX revs check rta
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Frosty, chilly, be closer, as if asking Dulcinea, holding branch and other sly tsepeneya. Befall their eyes and lips, but he whispers to her carefully, do not cry, I'm revs check rta here, my friend Hold on, please, stronger.
Me in 2007 in the Internet in general was not. And when it appeared in 2010 for a long time could not think about how to put something out of "old album" (too personal). That's about two years ago with the help of wonderful emancipated community Gaydparke. Now sometimes finds ... then in prose, then ... not in prose (hand does not rise to write the word poetry - I'm not a poet, poetry do not know a lot of mistakes).
Oh, that's the whole story .. Briefly, it is part of my image photographed with ceramic revs check rta tiles on which the Italians proekspluatirovali one drawing Mucha from the "Skill". Full story here 763.html, but here interesting 939.html (actually about A. Mucha)

Monday, February 17, 2014

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Unfortunately, the "beautiful" as a frame has not turned out - looks goofy. Dealing in the properties of a particular magazine that I could not solve ... Bottom is not aesthetic, tired of fighting, but let too and remains well?
In late spring and early summer they "bundled" foliage ... And in early spring due to certain circumstances I myself see them still had no chance, after the camera at me. Maybe this year I see?
When they bundled leaves no visible "skeleton" - trunk with branches, and not much to look at, because of the times, in haystack "hair" not to guess what they say "eyebrows". I shot the evening, too, more like. By the way, about the frame: Comments received mail about FaceBook, frame see in my PC - absolutely correct.
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Sunday, February 16, 2014


Opera "Don Quixote", written by Jules Massenet specifically for Feodor Chaliapin, contemporaries often criticized for artlessness. Noting the title role performance merits great Russian free vin decoder bass viewers shrugged - in the musical incarnation of Cervantes' novel appeared free vin decoder mediocre romantic trinket. Say, beauty Dulcinea, a fantasy ingenious hidalgo, female image and lovely lady in the libretto by Henri Ken turned insidious secular yoke of flesh and blood. Such genre stiffness impoverished interpretation - Massenet opera becomes problematic conceptual basis for the director's work.
Director and artist Yannis Kokkos left position easily - he did not complicate the opera superfluous free vin decoder connotations, but rather curdled all the colors and adding more shrillness. The action takes place around a huge tome, which does not leave the scene for three hours. In the center of the universe - the book, the source of life and thought, the basis of the result of human imagination, it will arise from the characters of Cervantes, in its pages will sigh love Don Quixote, she will become a Knight of the Sorrowful Countenance gravestone in the final. free vin decoder
The scene in the square when the villagers praise the beautiful Dulcinea, transformed into a colorful Kokkos in Spanish carnival. Beauty appears like Carmen, all in red and black, and at the expense of simple adaptations of stage three is head and shoulders above the miserable fans and commoners. Dulcinea Anna Kiknadze Determined samoupoennogo selfishness, she deftly manages the mood of the crowd, flirted, and picturesquely bored while her characterful mezzo-soprano sounds arrogant. free vin decoder
Don Quixote performed by the famous Italian bass Ferruccio Furlanetto - authentic classic hero who rises above the bustling festive crowd without theatrical tricks. His aristocratic organic free vin decoder phenomenal - the viewer does not know how Knight looked a hundred years ago, but looking at the Italian, want to repeat all the rave reviews, Feodor Chaliapin rossiyaninu addressed.
The charm of simplicity - a rare feeling when watching free vin decoder modern opera productions, but performance Yannis Kokkos it awakens him. Don Quixote free vin decoder rides a black iron horse, and therefore free vin decoder becomes like a living free vin decoder fairy figurine from the bookshelf. Travel knight and squire before each scene is preceded austere theater of shadows: the silent silhouettes travelers silently "float" on a huge tailpiece Mariinsky drawn through mountains and forests, and then the actors appear on stage. The first explanation of Don Quixote and Dulcinea emphasized simple metaphor - the more the girl is lying, promising to marry a gentleman, the more black clouds tighten sad lunar disk in the sky. Noble knight, determined to return stolen necklace, goes into the night's darkness.
Fans of the beautiful Dulcinea - Pedro Garcia, Rodriguez and Juan - merge into a collective free vin decoder comic braggart and are virtually indistinguishable from each other. A bunch of thieves who catch Don Quixote, and then resort to the colloquial Russian that hints at their origin and at the same time enhances the contrast with the noble knight. Sancho Panza Andrei Serov first to measure and comedian plays the fool, but in the end, lamenting free vin decoder the dying master becomes somewhat tragic hero. And a huge moon, illuminating brief farewell scene, again plunged into darkness - forever.
Strangely performance in which no innovative theatrical reception, makes a strong impression bewitching. This doubtless merit of director, but can not guarantee that without the participation of Ferruccio Furlanetto in the title roles of the success of "Don Quixote" again. free vin decoder
PRESS FOR TWO PREMIERE "DON" WALK Petersburg Theatre Magazine. Number 1 (71). 2013 Vladimir Dudin TWO "DON" WALK Novye Izvestia. 12.02.2013 Svetlana Rukhlov KNIGHT Rueful Gazette. free vin decoder 17.01.2013 Dmitry Tsilikin old fashioned COMEDY Vladimir Dudin OLD MILL steep Woerth OperaNews.Ru. 13.01.2013 Sadiq Zadeh Gyulyara free vin decoder LOVELY Cavalcade Don Quixote Business Petersburg. Number 1. 11.01.2013 Dmitry Tsilikin SEE FIGO Izvestia. 08.01.2013 Oleg Karmunin "Don Quixote" at the Mariinsky Theatre immediately SIMPLICITY
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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Distribution Balagan (1981) DVDRip battle los angeles 09.02.2014 11:11:04 0 0 359.78 Mb Ballad of F

Original title: Dulcinea del Toboso Year: 1980 Genre: Horror, musical adaptation of Issued: USSR Director: Svetlana Druzhinin Starring: Natalia Gundareva Boris Plotnikov, Alexander Nazarov, Valentine Talyzina Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Borislav Brondukov Catherine Durov Tatiana Peltzer, Elena Kamburova About the film: The action takes place in Spain, in the early XVII century. Seven years after the death of Don Quixote and Cervantes' novel release name Knight of the Sorrowful Countenance becomes a legend. Faithful squire of Don Quixote - Sancho sent in Tobosso vin decoder gm and finds Aldonsa peasant who has no idea that there was a famous knight ladylove and she became a celebrity. Sancho tells the story of wandering and suffering Don Quixote for his beloved. Aldonsa-Dulcinea moved to Toledo. In the capital, she meets a strange vin decoder gm young man - Don Luis, who looks so much like folding her soul a perfect image of a knight and men. Its similarity with Don Quixote emphasizes even surprised replica Sancho: "Is the Lord for your piety raised you and you returned the youth?" Because he throws Dulcinea Toledo and the highest light and goes on pilgrimage, repeating the path of the one who is hopelessly in love with her .. .
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Friday, February 14, 2014

still Tereshkina ballerina modern and best takes Mekhmeneh ban, but in DC it and how much ballerina

But it was a holiday! In all (well, except for the insertion of variation in the pas de deux). florida vin check Gorgeous duo protagonists - and indeed the duo when it seems that they understand each other poludvizheniya, poluvzglyada. Shklyarov high jump, perfectly played suicide, and I would say, romped florida vin check heart. And the variation of the first act performed with castanets that I am personally very approve. Tereshkina ... Well here I have no words to describe her dance. Just look and think, 'How could that even possible? "And on its final pozirovok variations in my heart stops. The main characters were good, but the rest did not let us down. And wonderful Espada Sergeeva, and both his partner: beauty Bazhenov - Mercedes and published in great shape Tkachenko (how long I have not seen it) In a scene like sleep and Povlitelnitsa - Chebykin and Amurchik - ARB Shakirov pupil. And, of course, in the title role Ponomarev! Genius, he is a genius. The rare case when Don Quixote attracts florida vin check attention, and it becomes an actor. Kitri - Victoria Tereshkina Don Quixote - Vladimir Ponomarev, Sancho Panza - Alexander Fedorov, florida vin check Lorenzo - Nikolay Naumov, florida vin check Gamache - Andrew Arsenyev Basile - Vladimir Shklyarov, flower - Nadezhda Gonchar and Daria Ustyuzhanina Tereshkina Final Act 1 street dancer - Tatiana Tkachenko, Espada - Alexander Sergeyev Queen of the Dryads - Catherine Chebykin, Cupid - Renata Shakirov Kitri-Dulcinea - Victoria Tereshkina Son Don Quixote. Oriental dance - Julia Kobzar Mercedes - Elena Bazhenov, Espada - Alexander Sergeyev Suicide Basil Fandango florida vin check - Anastasia Zaklinskaya and Roman Belyakov Tereshkina Tereshkina and Shklyarov Finals
still Tereshkina ballerina modern and best takes Mekhmeneh ban, but in DC it and how much ballerina nowhere show themselves except for the third action (where other Kitri forget about the fan), and it probably still makes a grotesque role Nektorov A Chebykin of the first singers got LEU Mariinsky corps de ballet, that's what the different levels
It seems to me that much in "Don Quixote" Terioşchina is where to show themselves. And a brilliant technique to demonstrate and temperament. Not only pas de deux - and in the first act the variations! And I love to sleep. (In general, I want to "Etudes" Vika!) Chebykin And I saw the contest, I liked it then as a whole.
avertv dance open dsch ARB Anna Karenina Annie Fountain of Bakhchisarai Bayadere Prodigal Son Bolero At night Don Quixote Giselle Pharaoh's florida vin check Daughter Jewelry Cinderella Carmen Humpbacked Horse Kings of the Dance Corsair Beauty in Motion Laurencia Swan Lake Legend of Love Mayerling Marco Spada Park Onegin Paquita Flames of Paris and Romeo Raymond Juliet Ruzimatov Sylphide Midsummer Night's Dream Sleeping Beauty Spartacus Undine Lost Illusions Crystal Palace Shurale Nutcracker Boy and Death ballet ballet lovers question nonsense election tour sharing lovely fence wanderings on returning Competition Conservatory favorite books opera pearl just tell you ask council test tuner festival forum photo I wept

Retelling in Russian from Arica Elman with facebook:

Retelling in Russian from Arica Elman with facebook: "Yair Lapid Grizzled chelovechische villages write (in Facebook, estessno) obituary of a family friend's uncle Amnon (Dankner). As minister and politician Lapid sees himself first and foremost a writer, just write "dear man died, my heart is torn with anguish, never forget you, we will all miss you and let it go on ... those who did not love you, "Lapid could not, and wrote art. And carried away. As a result, Don Quixote jumped on Dulcinea to fight with Dan Ben Amotz. Fans trimmed luminary, and he corrected himself, but as Ostap called queen queen - Rosinante became mare. Yair, let's registration number check write the budget already, huh? "
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Thursday, February 13, 2014


TOPICS IN JOURNAL nicb vin check OBSCHESTVO.RAZMYSHLENIYA nicb vin check topically. GOOD IN RUSSIA bards PAINTING ART Nevsky Prospekt. Late 19th century and 21st HUMOR, RECREATION nicb vin check - "THINGS" WE, BOOKS, POEMS AND AROUND U.S. stishata was curious FAMILY COTTAGE Etc. private MOOD. Artistic people. Photoworks. Discipleship. MEMORABLE DATES HOLIDAYS TEMPLES. HOLIDAYS - ORTHODOX
TAGS writer's block BLOCKADE WAR Kizhi Libya Okhtinsky Cape Russian Statistics nicb vin check Comments Ukraine Yuyu and guardianship bards library architecture gods Slavs was wondering Vedic culture around us presidential elections sayings and aphorisms cottage chalet stories kids jazz for blogs painting topically interesting online art history from the life history of cinema consolidation of peace poems animals my poems my photographic mood music we our health science anniversaries memory Holidays nicb vin check Holidays Slavs stories and reflections Photostory nicb vin check Russian emperors how to begin a family, etc. Homeland private sculpture poetry theater tests philosophy Photo temples humor stuff

TAGS writer

TAGS writer's block BLOCKADE WAR Kizhi Libya Okhtinsky Cape Russian Statistics Comments Ukraine Yuyu and guardianship bards library architecture gods Slavs was wondering Vedic culture around us presidential elections sayings and aphorisms cottage chalet stories kids jazz for blogs painting topically interesting online art history from the life history of cinema consolidation of peace poems animals my poems my photographic mood music we our health science anniversaries memory Holidays Holidays Slavs stories and reflections Photostory Russian emperors tüv report how to begin a family, etc. Homeland private sculpture poetry theater tests philosophy Photo temples humor stuff
Cycle of miniatures (photos and poems), "Don Quixote and Dulcinea del Toboso" Part 1 My friends, Don Quixote and Dulcinea del Toboso, is always there - you just look through the window at a certain angle. But they are so different in different seasons and changing weather. They are like people - grow, live and die ... standing! And I'm talking with them, listening to their conversations, watching their "special" life ... Why is "special"? Because we're friends, real friends and have no secrets there. Have been living side by side, storms, winds - overweening, Constantly he closes it with his shoulder.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Retelling in Russian from Arica Elman with facebook:

Retelling in Russian from Arica Elman with facebook: "Yair Lapid Grizzled chelovechische villages write (in Facebook, estessno) obituary of a family friend's uncle Amnon (Dankner). As minister and politician Lapid sees himself first and foremost a writer, just write "dear man died, my heart is torn with anguish, never forget you, we will all miss you and let it go on ... those who did not love you, "Lapid megadata could not, and wrote art. And carried away. As a result, Don Quixote jumped on Dulcinea to fight with Dan Ben Amotz. megadata Fans trimmed luminary, and he corrected himself, but as Ostap called queen queen - Rosinante became mare. Yair, let's write the budget already, huh? " Normally, yaschetayu. People megadata quite grown intellectually to become finance minister. Here the main thing is not that he mistook a mare with a lady, and that knows the words of Don Quixote and Dulcinea. You see, the next cadence learn xy xy. And even, perhaps a movie look. Well, do not go to the theater and also certainly not a book to read ...
Journal information Current price 100 LJ Tokens Social capital 202 Friends of 1860 Duration megadata 24 hours Minimal stake 100 LJT View all available promo Sharks Mossad. nicshe2003 December 6, 2010. South Sinai governor Mohammed Awad al-Fadil Shousha said in an interview with a local online publications that man-eating sharks ...
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Once the horse was called Rustam Tahmina. And the sweet Rakhsh he had a son. And Tolstoy's wife's name was Strider. Described her love old bigot. Great Zhinkov her name was Bucephalus Oh nahlestoval. megadata When he rode. So our Yair Torch all give light. Remember these bullshit receiving budget. 17112.html
100 + facts about Israel bm-studio dream-job hasbara Israel in english izrus sos Arkady Averchenko Afghanistan Middle East Bogemik V.Vysotsky HPS Great War War last chance. Project bloggers against terror Question hall Questions Knesset Defense Galkovsky Govnopolitika. Facets megadata of the New World grimaces feminism DETI Demjanjuk Dybr Europe Competition LJ LJ LJ dictionary shnoe Women ZOG IBITSTSA heart stops Yigal Amir. legal chaos Jerusalem Israel Israel. reality of Israel. reality. Analytics Iran Iraq Islam Islam Islamic terrorism Sukanya CAC Cassandra. megadata Whither China humanity Lamer Mossad Masjanja Milagro Mishmar Israel Haifa Mishmar Moscow. Music. megadata Written megadata on the fence Future. Obama tries Society humanity and democracy Palivud Policy. Reuters Russia USSR USA U.S. media. Humor Saudi Arabia Syria Turkey Ukraine Future Technology SE Flashmob Haifa Hamas Hillary Clinton Holocaust IDF Humor Japan. Murakami antiislam counterterrorism Arabs boycott Turkey Bojana in memoriz video war war. Staff bloggers. gaza2009 question hall Knesset education issues where we have govnopolitika. dETI misinformation democracy demotivatory children children. private children. megadata private tolerastiya children. private. shock dybr dybr dictatorship. Jewish women Josquin tin! zhyzn health idiocy israel Israeli Day blogger interesting information History Islamic information. humor. Israel's history is the history of the history of Israel. Cassandra video. megadata cinema cooking contest. cook together lamer left uebany legend Nevsky Prospekt private private. War. private. megadata family identity Masyanya world around us my aphorisms man and woman music music. bewilderment megadata little humor unthinkable tolerant neo news about advertising society and democracy once PR Picchu chat for life? positive poitika policy policy. policy. irritation lawlessness just prose. thoughts aloud psychology work restaurant suicide media Special Forces IDF twitter terror tolerastiya megadata only facts philosophy megadata philosophy. Cassandra flashmob photoart frendomarafon buddylist good football hooligans economy epigrams etosamoe erotic humor humor. humor. islamstsuko. myslevsluh humor. myslevsluh. parents are morons

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Funny kommentariyah.Chelovek in calling himself a historian, but not having a clue who is described

Retelling rev check in Russian from Arica Elman with facebook: "Yair Lapid Grizzled chelovechische villages write (in Facebook, estessno) obituary of a family friend's rev check uncle Amnon (Dankner). As minister and politician Lapid sees himself first and foremost a writer, rev check just write "dear man died, my heart is torn with anguish, never forget you, we will all miss you and let it go on ... those who did not love you, "Lapid could not, and wrote art. And carried away. As a result, Don Quixote jumped on Dulcinea to fight with Dan Ben Amotz. Fans trimmed luminary, and he corrected himself, rev check but as Ostap called queen queen - Rosinante became mare. Yair, let's write the budget already, huh? "
April 6, 2013 21:33 (UTC)
April 23, 2013 17:59 (UTC)
User igor_torick referred to your entry in the record, "Yair Lapid said that the horse's name was Don Quixote Dulcinea .... "In the context of [...] Original taken from Yair Lapid to believe that the horse's name was Don Quixote Dulcinea .... [...]
User nicshe2003 referred to your entry in the record, "Yair Lapid said that the horse's name was Don Quixote Dulcinea .... "In the context of [...] Original taken from Yair Lapid to believe that the horse's name was Don Quixote Dulcinea .... [...]
Normally, yaschetayu. People quite grown intellectually to become finance minister. rev check Here the main thing is not that he mistook a mare with a lady, and that knows the words of Don Quixote and Dulcinea. You see, the next cadence learn xy xy. And even, perhaps a movie look. Well, do not go to the theater and also certainly not a book to read ...
To our great happiness (in this case), the system is designed so that the ministry separately from the minister. This minimizes the risk of incompetence. I was wondering the other - who wrote the book it? He's kind of self explanatory, as the author of 20 books ... Very reminiscent of "blind painter." EVPOCHYA.
Do not quite understand your answer. Can be specifically?
Funny kommentariyah.Chelovek in calling himself a historian, but not having a clue who is described by Umberto Eco discusses cheloveka.u and more open in his discussion of the journal. Among other things on the radio recording of this obituary with kladbischa.I Lapid said there without this error.
First, all movable. And Toric can fill gaps 266.html 894.html rev check 134.html 493.html 813.html Secondly, performances Lapid in the comments prove that it was not just slip.
Once the horse was called rev check Rustam Tahmina. And the sweet Rakhsh he had a son. And Tolstoy's wife's name was Strider. Described her love old bigot. Great Zhinkov her name was Bucephalus Oh nahlestoval. When he rode.
My photo albums on YandeksFotkah Video on Yandex Video on youtube on rutube My poems on rev check Language and Thought rev check in GaydParke My Facebook rev check My twitter Gender. WOMEN'S ROLE Press Yandex-portrait in news articles in AJ My pinterest Tag "Adelman" on IzRuse Examination for IA REX
"False Nero" "court time" in December 1812 Günter Grass Salon littéraire amram mitzna black swan theory casanova churchill davkatv edward louis bernays eric berne feminism finlandia football freakonomics free gaza google heinrich heine identity interpretatio izrus johann wolfgang von goethe learning disability marilyn monroe mass media middle class ministry of truth pat buchanan pr and advertising quadriga roe v. wade roman polanski sex shelly yachimovich stendhal tea party terror thornton niven wilder wikileaks william blake wystan hugh auden The Meaning of Life Καβάφης AFLosev Avatar Averincev Adolf Eichmann Azerbaijan Alexander Aronov Alexander Blok Ali and Nino Alice in Wonderland Albert Camus Anatole France Andersen Andrei Platonov Andrei Sakharov Antiquity Anthology of Arab revolutions of Armenia Arthur Rimbaud Afghanistan Africa Africa in Israel Ahmadulina Akhmatova Babel Byron Bakhtin Belinkov Belarus Schneerson Library Bill Clinton and Soviet mentality Bismarck Bovin Boris Boris Slutsky Kherson Brodsky Bulgakov Bulgarin Away Freud Vrantôme Grossman Vaclav Havel Great French Revolution Veresaev Vertinskij Video Byzantium Wisconsin Wittgenstein Ascension Yom Kippur War Voltaire Here's sun WWII U.S. Elections 2008 Elections in Israel 2013 Vysotsky rev check Vyazemskij Gaydamak Galich Gandhi Harry Potter Gasparov Hasek Henrik Ibsen Herzen Herzl Duke Buji Giyur Gogol Gorky Homer Greece Griboyedov Gumilev BUSINESS Lieberman David Samoilov Daniel Defoe Dante Danya Dreyfus Demotivatory Demian Poor Children mountains Jobs Joyce Giordano rev check Bruno George Soros Dialectics of Revolution Good to be with his fists? Dovlatov Dostoyevsky Yevgeny Yevtushenko Schwartz Egypt Yegor Gaidar Catherine II Yesenin ZHZL Jabotinsky Zhvanetskiy Geneva Initiative rev check Tunic woman - a mystery woman Zhivchik East George Sand Jules Verne Borrowing rev check Zoschenko Raped USSR

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Monday, February 10, 2014

در تاریخ 10/3/93 تیمی متشکل از کمیل قاسم پور عباس علیپور جابر سبک روح امید اخوان ساعت 5 صبح از

آلبوم مناظر
عباس علیپور
دی 1391
جنوب شهرستان بهشهر دارای جنگل های انبوه می باشد که وجود گسل های کوچک و بارش باران به غار خیزی منطقه کمک می کند که این منطقه یکی از غار خیزترین مناطق استان مازندران باشد اما به دلیل ارتفاع کم منطقه غارها عموما دارای عمق زیر صدمتر می باشند .
در تاریخ 10/3/93 تیمی متشکل از کمیل قاسم پور عباس علیپور جابر سبک روح امید اخوان ساعت 5 صبح از ساری به سمت بهشهر حرکت کردند. در بهشهر به آقای تقی محمودی که جا دارد از او در امر شناسایی motor check و گشایش تشکر نمایم ملحق شدند. از بهشهر به سمت جاده کنت به راه افتادند با طی مسافت و رسیدن به دهانه غار و آماده شدن برای پیمایش ساعت 9:30 گشایش را شروع کردند.
کارگاه این چاه غار بلوک درختی است که در بالای دهانه ای فرو چاله ای شکل به قطر 8 و عمق 5 متر قرار دارد . در انتهای این فرو چاله و ابتدای دهانه غار سقفی متشکل از تنه های درخت گل و سنگ ایجاد شده است که بعد از پاکسازی سنگهای ریزشی آن و گرفتن یک دیبیشن از آن طناب به صورت معلق تا کف چاه میرود . بر روی دیواره ها و سقف غار استالاکتیتهای زیبایی تشکیل شده است کف این غار مساحتی در حدود ده متر مربع دارد که به صورت شیب دار است .
گزارش گشایش چاه غار دیو چاه بهشهر
دیواره motor check بلند و انگشتان سرمازده
وبلاگ کوهنوردی تراورس
گروه زرین دلیر چالوس
فدراسیون کوهنوردی و ... ج.ا ایران هیات کوهنوردی استان مازندران انجمن کوهنوردان ایران غارهای ایران انجمن غارنوردان و غارشناسان ايران انجمن پزشکی کوهستان ایران انجمن فرهنگی سادوا (روستای بالاده) هواشناسی استان مازندران مرجع حیات وحش ایران سازمان زمین شناسی و اکتشافات معدنی تارنمای رسمی ایراتا در ایران سازمان میراث فرهنگی و صنایع دستی و ... سازمان حفاظت محیط زیست سایت آموزش گره های کوهنوردی و ...
پيج رنک آرايش