Sunday, November 17, 2013

I recently built in a room with a CMOS sensor cooled by modifying a webcam Chinese sensor with 1280

So I took Sirius B ... almost without meaning to! "Coelum Astronomy
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The report of a shooting session in an evening unusually mild for the month of February, the success of which helped my three cats amateur astronomers, who have seen fit to play for each other assaults under the telescope ...
Friday, February 24 was the night of the "Moon boat", an event widely reported on the web. For many, not even amateur astronomers, it was an opportunity to raise our eyes to heaven and see a rare phenomenon frequently the mid-latitudes of the Peninsula and made attractive stolen vehicle check by the presence of two real diamonds: the planets Venus and Jupiter. stolen vehicle check Unfortunately, I have enjoyed the celestial stolen vehicle check spectacle for a short time, after 18 hours, taking advantage of the pause GR inside my radio broadcast. In a clear sky and cobalt blue, am left a few minutes to scan the naked eye that vision evoking ancestral feelings and rational Celestial Mechanics. That Friday was also the first day of clear sky, after a long period of bad weather that must be, has forced astronomers to store their tools.
For my custom, exploited the periods inclement, for accurate revisions of the optical and mechanical parts, but also for the construction of things simple and useful, sometimes, however, also more complex.
I recently built in a room with a CMOS sensor cooled by modifying a webcam Chinese sensor with 1280 960, which has proved very sensitive Infrared, so that within seconds of exposure allow me to get very interesting deep-sky images. The room is so sensitive, not to be useful for planetary and solar shooting: although minimum gain, returns always overexposed stolen vehicle check images with the use of neutral density filters very dense. .
Meanwhile, taking advantage of a weekend, I have gifted my refractor, doublet with ED 127mm f / 9 shipped in a tube Konus 120/1000, no less than 13 with diaphragms made of plastic with a matt black paint. The contrast stolen vehicle check is much improved, eliminating the scattered light (not much actually) that you felt before. The entire instrument can rightfully be called self-made, at least in part.
My other realization has been to assemble a new room complementary to the first, taking advantage of an old compact digital first generation stolen vehicle check (with color sensor 640 480), now widely exceeded and unused for a long time.
The electronics of this room is vastly more complex than an ordinary webcam and tests carried out showed an excellent response to all colors in the visible, discrete sensitivity (though less than the first chamber built) and true color balance native stolen vehicle check (no of dominant). Put to the test some management programs and capture, in order to find the one with which the room s'interfacciasse better, testing Webcam stolen vehicle check Etron Videocap 1.0, I had the pleasant surprise to find that this software - and only with this camera - it allows me to implement, as well as the normal controls setting, even a digital zoom up to 4x and a sort of "guiding the contrary," sacrificing part of the sensor. One subject, in slow motion in the field, is constantly brought back to the center of the (I assume is the ste

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