Saturday, January 4, 2014

2009 (5) September (5) Mergers

Please allow us to deliver that Institution Competition ASEAN (ASEAN Competition Institute / ACI) has been established through the foundation deed dated August 4, 2008 and has been approved reg check by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights reg check on 11 November 2008 with the intent and purpose to promote policy and legal healthy competition at the National level and the ASEAN Regional reg check Founders of the Institute is Kartini Muljadi, SH, Prof Dr. Ningrurn Sirait, Dr. Syamsul Maarif, M. Soy Pardede, Maulana Ibrahim, Rachmat Gobel, Nawir Messi and Ricardo Simanjuntak, SH, LLM. While the coach is Soy M. Pardede, Dr. Syamsul Maarif, Jakob Oetama, Bambang Harymurti, Rachmat Gobel and Maulana Ibrahim and designated as the Board is Ricardo Simanjuntak, SH, LLM. as Chairman, Stephen Harjanto Trijono, SH as Secretary and HMBC Rikrik Rizkiyana, SH as Treasurer, with Supervisor: Kartini Muljadi, SH, Prof Dr. Ningrum Sirait and Faisal. As is known, reg check at this time of ten (10) ASEAN member countries, only 4 (four) countries have competition laws namely Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and Vietnam. The level of implementation of competition law in the three other countries that have had far rnasih compared with Indonesia, while the target formation of the ASEAN Economic Community a few years away, where policies and healthy competition law is an important reg check instrument to enhance the competitiveness of ASEAN, reg check in particular in addition to maintaining lest the dominance of certain entrepreneurs or companies who would enter and dominate the national market. For that, as an important part of ACI and activities, we plan to hold S eminar Mergers and Acquisitions with the theme "Regulatory Effectiveness reg check Mergers & Acquisitions" to explore the provision of Notification Pre Merger, Consolidation and Acquisition, reg check which will be held on: Day / Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009 Time: 08:30 to 16:00 pm Venue: Financial Hall, Graha Niaga Lt.. 2. Jl. Gen.. Sudirman Kav. 58 Jakarta Because of the importance of regulation on mergers and acquisitions for the development of the company in Indonesia, we invoke the support of Father / Mother / Brother (i) to attend and actively participate in discussing and giving advice in the seminar, so that in the future the results and recommendations as well as inputs for the manufacture of Government regulations as mandated by Law. 5/1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Competition section 28 and 29 will provide a positive impact on Indonesian businesses. reg check
2009 (5) September (5) Mergers & Acquisitions Seminar 2009 Seminar Schedule Mergers & Acquisitions Competition ASEAN Institute / ACI ACI Seminar Registration reg check Form 2009 MERGERS & ACQUISITION reg check SEMINAR 2009

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