Friday, March 7, 2014

Article 2. Each student will have their transport card-bearing personal and non-passenger service c

Article detranpb 1. All students must use the route are assigned from the beginning of the course. Students may not change throughout the course detranpb route. Only in special cases authorized a change of route requested and duly authorized by the school management request written and signed the father / mother / guardian of the user.
Article 2. Each student will have their transport card-bearing personal and non-passenger service charge. The lack of documentary proof that the student detranpb be excluded detranpb from the use of busing.
Article 5. In order to solve any problems that may occur, the father / mother / guardian of the user to provide data center responsible person, detranpb especially the contact detranpb numbers that can be provided to the company that has awarded path corresponding transport their son / daughter.
Article 6. In the event that an absence is known in advance must be reported in writing to the school management and the accompanying advance at least the day before the incident.
Article 7. If a student is systematically not intend to use the transport service specific days, it shall notify in writing the companion and / or management of the center.
Article 8. The father / mother / guardian of the user is responsible for bringing him and watch him set the stop until the arrival of the bus service to and go to pick it stop set.
One. If for any cause a father / mother / guardian detranpb can not go pick up the student at the bus stop rightful must be notified in advance in writing to the head of center and shuttle service. If you designate someone else to pick up the student must be properly authorized and identified detranpb when you pick up your student.
Two. If and when there is no established stop this person authorized to collect the user will not let down lower bus and will act according to the following protocol. The student will continue the route until the last stop in order to gain time and to determine the protocol to follow.
a) contacted the center to report the incident. This person should attempt to contact the person responsible for the child and family to assess the actions to accompany the bus.
b) If consultations can not guarantee that the student duly given, will transfer the child to the local police or other security force that guarantees proper care while the family is located.
Article 10. The management of facilities where school buses provide service to the carrier the list of users of each service so that people who act as companions go shopping every day, back and forth.
Article 11. The organization will award lists as deemed appropriate in each school, but must ensure that each trip will list the correct name of the occupants of the vehicle.
Article 13. If the result of this monitoring detects irregularities or continued absence on service usage by certain registered detranpb users, the school board may seek to lower the center of the pupil.
Article 15. the people in charge of the escort service transport (monitors) shall ensure compliance with the rules provided for in said Decree and in particular:
Article 16. At end of year bans, the center will contain sheets of students who wish to make use of the school bus during the next year, and forwarded to the Ministry of Education together with the provisional list of students per route.
Article 17. Any impact on the shuttle from school must notify the person who detected the problem (passenger, head of school, father / mother) in the direction of the center, which will write the corresponding sheet incidents solve the case in accordance with established regulations and sanctioning mechanisms.
CHAPTER VII. - Procedure to impose corrective measures:
One. Companion or person alleging breach notify the school management the name of the student / breaches to the rules (phone and fax) with a report on the incident.
5. Pucheta detranpb HOTEL - Avda. Doctor Fleming 51 - GOING BACK 08:40 h 14:15 h
In all not covered by this rule be applied detranpb Decree on rights and responsibilities of students in non-university level centers in the Balearic Islands and the BOIB

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