Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Kiev government countered in the gas conflict and accuses Russia of gas theft on a large scale

The Kiev government countered in the gas conflict and accuses Russia of gas theft on a large scale before. Premier Yatsenyuk called on Moscow to Brussels, not to use gas as a weapon against Ukraine. In Brussels Jazeniuk signed the loan agreements with the EU: In the middle history of cars of opaque dispute with Russia, the EU is pumping billions into the Ukraine. The use of the funds may in fact not be controlled.
The Ukrainian transitional government are in the gas dispute with Russia not after, accusing the neighboring country of theft. "Russia has stolen with the annexation of the Crimea two billion cubic meters of Ukrainian gas", Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk said on Tuesday in Brussels. He referred to the Company PJSC Chernomorneftegaz, which was set on Monday on the EU sanction list. According to the EU, the company was confiscated by the authorities in the Crimea after taking the peninsula by Russia in fact.
Yatsenyuk called on the government in Moscow not to use gas as a new kind of weapon against the Ukraine. Also, EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso urged Russia to "play no games." When it comes to energy
The Ukrainian government and the Russian gas monopoly Gazprom have been arguing for a long time about the payment of gas bills. Gazprom has announced prices increased noticeably and calls for an advance of $ 1.66 billion, before it continues to supply gas in June. After presentation of Gazprom, Ukraine has only half the amount of gas available to come easily through the next winter.
"Yatsenyuk called on the government in Moscow not to use gas as a new kind of weapon against the Ukraine. Also, EU Commission President Jose Manuel history of cars Barroso urged Russia to "play no games." When it comes to energy
Always use this babble of gas as a weapon ... What do the Yanks because as with your green scraps? This is the mass (in value) destruction weapon par excellence, supported with your in world inflation!
To clarify: Ukraine now pays for the gas in about the price of the rest of the world will obviously be paid. Before the conflict, in times Janukov., The UA had contracts with Russia history of cars in a discount (think cheaper by 30%) negotiated, which has no more validity. Services / resources which I need to be paid easily also, what's to revolt here?
I refer here to the mutual give and take of UA and RU. For Crimea there were contracts, millions and millions annually by RU at the UA, to maintain the Black Sea vertex of the RU.
Quick question on this: How to make the the Yanks again with your bases in the world? In DE it is so that we have to pay everything builds up the U.S. military machine here, partially consumed, etc..
Do not believe me? Then this is another example: My uncle is a sergeant major at a U.S. base in Bavaria and had a battalion of 200 men under his direction. At that time, a German mark was worth about USD 1.70. And now the screamer: My uncle got a D-Mark on the exchange of cash for a USD!
Actually, you can just steal that gas which was also owned. Now we take a look at the open gas bill Ukraine. One must realize that this gas probably was more of a loan than the property. But Barroso thinks yes, the EU is a state and all citizens are citizens of that state. Such silly little game can only come from Laindarstellern. history of cars
However, it is well to recognize that European policy believes debt is credit and democracy EU treaties. However, this is light years away from reality as those politicians probably in the stone age than in Europe are mentally more at home.
After no more than the next two assertions that the energy supply of Europe is not secured for the coming winter, it is clear who will pay the Russians the gas bill Ukraine. EUROPE, AND ALSO DOUBLE. After Ukraine gets no gas, if you do not pay, and we thus ebefalls get no gas, We will pay for the Ukraine, and for U.S. itself also. THE IS GOOD; OR? After Biden's son will keep the Ukrainian gas business soon in the hands, the neocons now sitzten exactly at the gas screw Europe. Putin believed himself but also having to come up with something, because he can not afford any more than no more gas to sell. For he has just been completed with the Austrian OMV, a gas deal with South Stream, which Ukraine gas immediately over southern Russia through the Black Sea to Bulgaria, Serbia and Hungary to carry up to Austria. That would be good for Europe, but drives to the Commission the cold sweat on the forehead, because that is the USA, your Lord and Master never allow. But from the EU, the B need

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