Friday, October 3, 2014

Error in the EPI

Traveling on Polish roads, we meet many users movement whose only characteristic is the model of the car and license plate, which is a kind of "identity card" of the vehicle. Today, we will help you decipher the Polish cartell license plates.
Probably everyone knows how the license plate. It is a rectangle cartell with a combination of letters and numbers. Let's take a closer look. Currently used in Poland cartell plates cartell were introduced 31 March 2000., After the last reform of the administrative division of the country in 1999., And issued as of 1 May 2000. In 2006, the Polish cartell flag was replaced with the symbol of the European Union.
The first letter represents the province, and another or two more district. If one letter, it is a city with county cartell rights (or district of Warsaw), if two - district, but there are deviations from this rule. After discriminant county differentiator followed the vehicle.
Podlasie Region B C D Punjab region of Lower Silesia cartell Lodz E F G Lubusz Pomeranian Lesser cartell K L Lublin Warmia and Mazury N O P Opole Subcarpathian Greater R S T Silesia Holy Cross in Mazowieckie The West
Distinguishing between localization and the rest of the registration is a label Verification. The entire set consists of 3 labels: 2 hologram stickers glued on plates cartell (30 20 mm) and one pasted to the registration card (30 10 mm). In addition, in the lower right corner of the windshield sticker must stick control, acting cartell as a "third table". cartell
Boards composed of historic vehicles are similar to arrays of standard cars, however, are distinguished by a yellow background and a symbol of the historic car placed at the edge of the plate. In this case, the first two or three letters are the hallmark of the province and the county according to the standard rules.
For a fee, customers can also order an array of individual, however, cartell and it must contain cartell certain specified law differentiators cartell for individual provinces. Distinguishing cartell individual vehicle may contain content cartell offensive or contrary to the principles cartell of social coexistence. Number shall consist of letters and numbers that indicate the province, and the discriminant of the vehicle in the form of 3, 4 or 5 letters, of which a maximum of the last two digits can be replaced. cartell
S0 ... S9 - Silesian
Less likely to meet temporary plates or temporary research on which the first two digits represent the province key used for individual tables. Temporary plates have a white background and red marks and, as the name suggests, are issued for vehicles registered in time. Research boards look almost identical, so that at the end of the string is the letter B. In addition to the array of research such vehicle must have front and rear red signs with the word "Test Drive".
Probably noticed that, for example. Polish police cartell on their vans are specific plates. The content is also specified in the regulations. The first two letters on the license plates of vehicles and the internal services of the armed forces represent specific service or vehicle in the event of armed forces.
HB Army Service MIA (until 2003.) HB Government Protection Bureau (since 2003.) HC HK Customs Chamber Internal Security Agency and Foreign Intelligence cartell Agency HM Military Intelligence Service and the Military Counterintelligence Service HP Police HS Treasury Control HW Border Guard
Warsaw residents can often find a car with blue plates. These are diplomatic plates issued for vehicles delegations, diplomatic missions, consular posts of foreign and national cartell organizations in Poland and their staff, cartell who uses diplomatic privileges and immunities. Whitespace string is made up of the discriminant province (usually W - Mazovia province)., And with 6 digits identifying the country and the destiny of the vehicle. Details diplomatic vehicle designations can be found in the attached infografice.
Error in the EPI
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