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: Enjoyaol July 15, 2007 10:41 Re: Registration of a car in France with the owners Nouma? nadanada

Forum> themes> administrative formalities> New Caldonie> Registration of a car in France nadanada with the owners Nouma? Discussion dmarre Enjoyaol by July 12, 2007 3:50 p.m. 7 answers 4 participants 5938 views
July 12, 2007 3:50 p.m. Registration of a car in France with the owners Nouma? 1 8 5938 displays messages Responding Share Report hello all J have a question about the registration of a car. My parents moved to noumea last November and have left their car in metropolitan France. The car remains in their name but here, I love the use. I must assure that. No but my parents nadanada being more in metropolitan France, so we will have to change the number plate. Will it incorporated in new caledonia? Thank you!
: Enjoyaol July 13, 2007 24:10 Re: Registration of a car in France with the owners Nouma? 2 8 5899 displays messages Responding Share Report HELLO, no pbs your parents nadanada provide the vehicle as Assur and owner of the gray card with their name or a home in France Nouma and assure you as a driver or driver or principal young driver as the case with your address or the vehicle gar in France (the amount of the premium nadanada depends parking place at night actually and if you are a young driver and your bonuses or penalties as applicable) Vs vs arrange for the Regu- lation. It poses no bp. well you SHARK
: Enjoyaol July 13, 2007 12:14 Re: Registration of a car in France with the owners Nouma? 3 of 8 5884 displays messages Responding Share Report
: Enjoyaol July 15, 2007 10:41 Re: Registration of a car in France with the owners Nouma? nadanada 4 8 5857 displays messages Responding Share Report
No need to change the license plate to use your parents' car, I do not understand where are your tjrs bp. I have a car in France and Na and my children use in France and Na. Good Journe SHARK
: Requin98 January 25, 2008 11:01 Re: Registration of a car in France with the owners Nouma? 5 of 8 5382 displays messages Responding Share Report
Hello In order IDE contrary, I makes me 6 months expatriates in Noumea (home and pay tax in France), and dsirerai take a vehicle up on my name: I Can / should I register Nouma or France as my choice is moving towards the bike should there be technical control? Thank you for the info Jean Louis PS: For those that may be interested cel I want a trail 500/750 cc reasonable prices in March and I resell cheap in August Further information on the subject is also the Friendly
: January 27, 2008 3:47 Batofeu Re: Registration of a car in France with the owners Nouma? Six 8 messages 5372 views Share Report Responding BJR, If you buys a motorcycle for six months it will Nouma registers will require you fournisses a certificate nadanada when you ACCOMMODATION record the registration card to the automotive service Nouma land. When you return to the metropolis you had resell LOL. Shark
: January 27, 2008 9:20 Requin98 Re: Registration of a car in France with the owners Nouma? 7 of 8 messages 5370 views Share Report Responding Impec I expected good proposals for a trail 600/750 in esprant not encounter too many sharks when I resell + JL
: February 3, 2008 8:57 Batofeu Re: Registration of a car in France with the owners Nouma? 8 of 8 messages 5338 views Share Report Responding Very funny !!!!! You will also find Harley Davidson from 700 000 XPF 1,000,000 XPF. Make a tour on the site: Free www.le nc Sincerely SHARK Follow this discussion Print Share Similar
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