Thursday, March 19, 2015

Weasley family is one of twenty-eight of the

Weasley family is a family of wizards. That all members of the family are all redheads check number plate and has been selected to house Griffin Theodore everyone well. Weasley family, a family check number plate of wizards Blood relationship with the likes of Black Pave Way Lloret Longbottom Jan Crouch and Potter.
Weasley family is one of twenty-eight of the 'pure-blood wizard that appears in the book. The pure blood family name But they were seen as a shameful family. The ancestors of the Weasley family, many of whom support the Muggles very noticeable. The Weasley family was condemned to this day that they were innocent blood. "Betrayed" blood
Home of the Weasley family is known. "Burrow", located on the outskirts cache poll Devon, England, where a magician check number plate neighbors who live close to family and Diggory Love Goode.
When Harry Potter has become a close friend of Ronald Weasley, the youngest son of the family. Weasley family had become another family of Harry and Arthur and Molly is like a father to his godmother. check number plate During that Sirius Black is still in Azkaban.
If, after the ties of blood. Arthur and Molly is really just a distant relative. Both have ancestral origins, the same is Phoenician, Assyrian Nigel Dallas Blackburn, a Thiet line of Sirius Black, the godfather of Harry Potter grandfather of Molly is. Sirius Black 2 is the eldest son of Phoenician, Assyrian. The grandfather of Arthur is berating Black Spot youngest son of Phoenician, Assyrian.
Molly's maiden name is Perry Discovery check number plate Garrett. She has a brother, the other two are. Fabian and Gideon, who died from a fight with a group of Death Eaters during the rise of Voldemort's the one. Molly decides to marry Arthur. Although check number plate fully aware that it will be cut off from the family of course. Because her father and her mother's bloodline pure faith strong.
Arthur and Molly had a total of 7 people 6, the first being the youngest son of an only daughter in the family. All life as a large family check number plate of 9, which is a major cause of the financial check number plate position of the family very well. Even the vault in the ring Scotts to keep the amount of money the family has not as much as it should.
Financial position of the family came back strongly in the twins.

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