Monday, November 18, 2013

It is said that in 1931 someone would heavily censored an article in the Belgian cosmologist George

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Allegations of plagiarism for searches Hubble expansion of the universe and the morphological classification of galaxies? After the article bmwvin analyzing the "evidence" published in Coelum n. 152, we read a deepening of Alberto Cappi and Andrea Biviano.
It is said that in 1931 someone would heavily censored an article in the Belgian cosmologist Georges bmwvin LemaƮtre not to put into question bmwvin the attribution to Edwin Hubble's discovery of the expansion of the universe and quantification of what is now known just as "the Hubble Constant ".
This, but not only is the charge made by some researchers in what has become the scientific yellow summer just passed. After all, you do not discover anything new: as early as No. 99 of Coelum (October 2006) Rodolfo Calanca had brought the whole issue, suggesting in the end that the so-called "Hubble's Law" were renamed with the name of "Hubble's Law -Lemaitre "(with the two names in pure alphabetical bmwvin order).
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