First and seeing that this blog is going to work even a little sad in "" I'll have to exhibit some reflections or devata shall we say about our town and the people who live in it, hoping that we can ultimately draw conclusions as comments that we have help us out. - Considering the few people that we do not believe that we are too saturated bodies we self impose. - Ignoring what the council, de nada means I have to describe it, being aware that I will have to leave one, ask if this happens please nobody gets upset me and I expose them in the comments de nada means to be aware of these institutions. - First, talking about Gerri have a festival committee, which certainly is not how it works, and how it chooses even collaborated on what is possible and I admire the dedication de nada means of some of them. - Second, as we magically comes a Foundation Moorish birth was "has trumpeted" de nada means and over the years this off as a candle, however at least serves to meet all the people dinner in harmony, congratulations for it. - Third, we now born Consortium Gerri de la Sal, I'll have to leave here in the air waiting to review your earlier comments with a little de nada means more foundation because mine right now are a little stronger. - Fourth, Plante sophomore summer launch first year, a good start the second period followed is not desire for improvement, I do not mean in no time missing wing person who's in charge of it I guess and I think the reason is another. - Fifth, neighborhood association if not please correct me, I can not say anything about it I do not know where anger is not your job hopefully with comments let's get something straight. - After we Peramea The vent of port and some more that are not exactly your description that also deserve your attention. Well I'm sticking the beating but do not believe that this medley we're riding should not summarize it and be more united because make no mistake all this (merde) only we are serving to create hatred and grudges, and what I'm seeing one not talk to each other. Gentlemen, as I think we have to add and not divide. I hope that I may understand what I'm trying to express in this topic, no more waiting for your participation that if without entering insults against anyone. Health
Veí Hello, I try to explain that allo-te i Pugui which tinc will informatio. Dir of Res to festes Comissió of Gerri, soc i Peramea the disconnect. De la Fundació La Moorish, what Mateix month, no tinc idea. The Planter, passat the inici that will be a trist mica in quant to informatio i difusió, thought that quant to activitats not estat Wrong tot, Perquè ningú tingui the Temptació cap comentari that not toqui, jo mateixa us in December I PARTICIPAT in any aquest segon in the Planter realitzades activitats them have estat, if not recalled Wrong 5 fins to Setembre totes activitats intéressants molt (cal nouns that miris blog in l'apartat "activitats to Baix Pallars"), The Vent Port Peramea, dons Baseball convidem to algú that faci un petit resum but a quant l'Neighbourhood Association, jo et faig mateixa cèntims zinc. Of nonheme fet moment that estem treballant difussió per item. Cert is that hem be initiat-els per Tràmits the, També és cert that totes les reunions convidat hem als veïns, little resposta, per what els Tràmits comencem tant, but esteu ben segurs that molt molt aviat tindreu tota necessária informatio de nada means i per suposat demanarem the vostra adhessió i col laboració. Altre One day, month. 18 novembre 2007 21.12
Com semper Gerri which hi has something that works, semper amb assorted algú that Acabi fracassant win. Concerts at L'Association amb els Monastery, the gent who n'encarregava als of Moorish transmetre joves month (Fins i tot an any is going to carry a parella amenaçar de fora per ballar-la), the gent that goes organitzar the Festa major l'any que ningú volia fer-ho, allà pels anys 93-94. Problemes i problemes month. H ere is no li treuen win them to participate in aquests tipus of sew. Envejes, bad llet or win the Punyeta de fer? Chemical ho sap. 19 novembre 2007 17.36
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