Friday, August 15, 2014

As each number, the #EmprenedorsRACC never ceases to amaze with their projects. In this issue, espe

Miriam Ponsa: family tradition of entrepreneurship at RACC Magazine - Blog
The RACC member Miriam Ponsa designer who won the prize for best collection for his last 080 Women Mule is the cover of the latest issue of RACC Magazine. It is defined as a free spirit of fashion and acknowledges that ended up in this world that gave him "a great deal of creative freedom." And so it continued its way and has made a place in the Catalan fashion, experimenting with fabrics and committed to local production, "the Catalan fashion crisis will be overcome only place in our country, believing in our own industry ". Do not miss your interview, also in video format in the "talked to."
You buy a car seat for your children? We help you choose the best, most secure. The report "Safe in the car" includes tips on buying the most appropriate checkauto and how to use it. And the occasional curiosity: did you know that the first restraint documented date of the end of the nineteenth century?
If you are ready to start a family holiday, if you are to plan at the last minute, await fate as Switzerland, France, Denmark and Minorca to enjoy as kids! Amusement checkauto parks, horseback riding, museums, sleeping on a farm ... travel will be a great adventure this summer. Sardinia, Orlando, Vancouver, Lapland are other places that will delight young and old. And even with the best prices for Travel Agent RACC.
The test engine also comes very summery. We tested the Opel Cabrio 1.4 Truba 140 hp through a cabrio convertible between small and large. But there is more: do not miss the report "Driving open" because you will find convertibles from 25,000 to more exclusive. And in the end, the best known: the Ford Thunderbird Thelma & Louise.
Loving two wheels? You go to the 24 Hours of Catalonia Motorcycling? checkauto One of the most traditional endurance at home, and in this issue we tell you how you live, the more drivers achievements of proof marks queen's life to pit the public ... Much has happened since the origins of this test in Montjuïc, but remains constant in a special test in turn the bike at the Circuit de Barcelona
Hourly break down more than 500 vehicles on urban and interurban roads throughout Spain. The car repair workshop RACC 88% of the vehicles right away. A guardian angel is equipped with the latest technologies and specialists led by mechanical and technical information online. Climb inside this vehicle designed by the RACC and discover why you solved checkauto a breakdown on the road in less than 30 minutes.
As each number, the #EmprenedorsRACC never ceases to amaze with their projects. In this issue, especially talking furniture: ergonomic sit well, recycled, sustainable or arranged for a van traveling. Partners and John S. Redondo Cristina Zarate Pep Aguilera, Adam and Michael Orozco et Grifoll present their entrepreneurship projects. You also have one and want to post it on the blog, magazines and networks RACC? Contact us and we will publish!
Tips for going to music festivals, the best discounts on entertainment using the card and the card RACC RACC Master ... RACC's new website and a section of newspaper with all the previous issues of this magazine complete RACC Magazine which can be found each month free, on your PC, tablet or phone.
Prepare the car to travel this summer
Tips how to do practical recommendations tricks ... PEOPLE: partners, team drivers ... all who are part of the RACC and bring value to the club. Trivia: news and information that would have never imagined. PART: Do not miss our proposals.
latest tweets @ RioKstjon Hi, duda for any medical problem or I can contact us at Thanks. 15 hours ago preparando ID for the foot race of the year: P Hay muchas ganas de 10kmRACC #! More info coming soon ... 17 hours ago Go get ready for the race of the year: P are eager 10kmRACC #! More info coming soon ... 17 hours ago
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