Chief Executive Criminal Court by Article 340 of the Bankruptcy Code pursuant to the Commitment Decision to Invade vcoazzurratv prison opened the case on appeal or petition Defense is an example. Due to failure to comply with commitments given by the Court of Criminal Enforcement and 3 months imprisonment to petition example, in the case of refusal to appeal the enforcement criminal court, the appeals to be made to the court, the upper case mahkem in which objection to the refusal, legal remedies vcoazzurratv to be used is specified. .. Criminal Enforcement Judges to Main Number: Decision No: DEFENDANT: ....... Request: The request re-evaluation of our situation. vcoazzurratv DESCRIPTION: Courts İ.İ.K. vcoazzurratv I was sentenced to imprisonment for violation of the commitments in accordance with Article 340. Execution and Bankruptcy Law "penalties if the borrower's payment terms, the violation" in the title 340'ınc bearing material; the creditor's consent, the executive apartment in the agreed repayment requirement, infringement by the debtor without an acceptable reason, arranged for selectively moving offenses, freedom vcoazzurratv is intended as a binding criminal sanctions. As explained in detail in the General Penal Board's decision dated 22.01.2002 day and 294-1, vcoazzurratv the said article "acceptable vcoazzurratv reasons" concept, in the 9th paragraph of Article 38 of the Constitution "not fulfilled" is narrower than the concept. Therefore upper norms and regulatory framework in which these new constitutional provisions in favor of the defendant, or to fulfill my debt, which is why we can not investigate the reasons, there are requirements for the determination of the legal situation. Our Constitution vcoazzurratv is not new to fulfill the debt, is in what can not fulfill its economic weakness remains therefore debt. Therefore, to fulfill the debt, although it is insolvent vcoazzurratv and must be punished those who violated the pledge. It must therefore be examined by the court as to what my livelihood. vcoazzurratv The move is hardly Yaşımı our maintenance, we do not have our presence and gain supply any goods. enter information here outlining your situation and request .......... Results: It was explored supply our livelihood and we demand the establishment of a provision accordingly. Accused vcoazzurratv ... BELOW THE EXECUTIVE CRIMINAL COURT WHY BREAK UP BY A COURT GRANTED CONTRACT VIOLATION of CONVICTION AND REASONS ARE GIVEN IN ACCORDANCE your DEFENCE should CITING THE CONTENTS OF THIS DECISION. TURKISH NATION ON BEHALF OF DIFFERENT DECISIONS Samsun vcoazzurratv 2 Heavy Penal Court D.İŞ NO: 2009/984 President Ahmet AKYÜZ 25 942 By: Hasan Kakala 22 839 By: Tamer My FIND 37261 Clerk: Yüksel BEKTAŞ 100013 Borrower must pay a violation of criminal defendants ..... ......................'s done at the end of the trial the defendant be punished by up to 3 months Tekkeköy for the preventive detention of the Executive Court date of 11/06/2209 and 2009/12 mainly given in due time by the defendants to the 2009/140 Decree decision to be made on appeal by 26/11/2009 transfer vcoazzurratv petition, regarding a decision on the court we submitted files and attachments to be contested, the court we end examination after obtaining the opinion of the Public Prosecutor; SHOULD I DISCUSSED: İ.İ.K. The 340 of the debtor defendant to the crime organized in Article justified and that it need not have to fulfill the commitments without causing an acceptable, that this is what their livelihood according to the defendant's life style for, livelihoods that there is enough in the payment of the debt, determine whether avoided kaçınılıp with deliberate fraud or the payment of the debt to by making research about the presence of the defendant's ability to pay the defendant's legal status has decided to approve the appeal, but understood that the decision yetinilerek to detect insufficient for the investigation of the motion livelihoods Unlike should be assigned accordingly. ........................... Defendant's adoption of copyright infringement; 06/11/2009 date and 2009/12 on the basis of the defendant to be sentenced by the court Tekkeköy Executive preventive detention for up to 3 months. LIFTING decision 2009/140 dated to the decision; The Borrower and the commitment of the defendant's right to bring that instead of bringing the defendant to investigate the legal status without an acceptable reason to RETURN to the court file to be judged accordingly; A copy of the court's decision communicated to the defendant, files, and file attachment Executive Director vcoazzurratv of the Executive RETURN Tekkeköy the Court; Made on the petition for review at the end of the file and it was decided unanimously in accordance with the deliberations. 22/02/2010 EXECUTIVE DECISIONS vcoazzurratv TO THE CRIMINAL vcoazzurratv COURT of APPEALS is BOUND, if you PETITION THE RED you can appeal to the Assize Court, public prosecutors can SEND APPEALS DECISION. 1. EXECUTIVE CRIMINAL COURT OF APPEAL ON 2. EXECUTIVE CRIMINAL COURT IF RED you CLAIM THIS RED DECISION OF APPEALS is ON 3 refusal will carry higher court OBJECTION 4- UPPER if you CLAIM IN COURT RED ED to the public prosecutor will FOUND IN A PETITION AND ASK FOR JUSTICE MINISTRY OF LAW FOR THE BENEFIT OF DAMAGE CLAIM
Write necessarily valued colleagues prime minister, vcoazzurratv an additional k
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