Thursday, March 13, 2014

ARCHIVES RELATED NEWS NEWS Last day for submission of annual income tax 02/28/2014 begin applying

All taxpayers, with the exception of those who have up to three employees, through a unique form of taxes, local taxes and contributions JOPPD will be able to submit their applications online. This form replaces the previous six, which will streamline the costs to employers, citizens and state institutions.
In addition to cost savings, the advantage of the new system is that networking ministry, Tax Administration, REGOS and Pension Fund, which would in turn should facilitate the exchange of information on income citizens and provide better control. In addition, a new method for submitting applications mean less work in that part of the institutions, and will be so, for example, vehicle status check the CPIA staff to deal with more controls. Test users in 2500
In cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Pension System and the Tax Administration a new IT system and the form which has been established vehicle status check APIS IT. The system has been tested in the last few months about 2500 users in Kras, HEP Group, Zagreb wastewater. In Kras employees vehicle status check will have second vehicle status check January get wages that will be tracked over JOPPD form, and HEP Group is pleased to be in such a large system, it is easier to calculate payroll. vehicle status check
- The exceptions are those taxpayers who do not use e-tax and have up to three employees so they can do it through the paper - explained Katherine Weber, project manager from APIS-IT, in today's rally.
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