Monday, May 5, 2014

Nazawilandza - Tawfiq Buaiche said Customs and indirect taxes in a communication that they would no

Nazawilandza - Tawfiq Buaiche said Customs and indirect taxes in a communication that they would not allow her to enter the private use of cars carrying goods of a commercial dye from Mayday next. According acipra to a statement to the customs acipra administration they end "to the attention of Moroccan world and foreign tourists visitors to Morocco that the requirements of the Finance acipra Act 2014 placed new conditions acipra to benefit from the system temporary admission for cars. Under this procedure and starting from Mayday 2014, will not benefit from the system of temporary admission and transportation of private use imported by people who have a normal place of residence abroad, carrying the goods of a commercial acipra nature. " He submits that the goods imported for commercial purposes, acipra must meet regulatory requirements acipra and procedural in force in the field of import. "" Continue transportation acipra of private use, as well as spare parts and accessories regular, imported by persons residing Regular abroad for their personal use of exchange, acipra to take advantage of system of temporary admission during the presence acipra of their respective owners acipra in Morocco and for a maximum, in the year of Civil, six months for tourist cars and three months for cars utilitarian light (Forqon, Forqonat ...) ", adds the author. falls this new procedure in the framework of the objectives of the Moroccan government efforts to combat the illicit trade organization and import goods may cause damage to the health and safety of citizens or pose environmental or security .. This reached Nazawilandza by the regional administration of Customs Beni Ansar, Bmtbua demonstration acipra in Arabic and French to explain the purposes of this law, new customs acipra .. and will later deploy to meet particularly with the Regional Director of Customs and Indirect Taxes Bnazawr, Fouad Said, to provide clarifications and explanations more light on this law, which will enter into force at the beginning of next May ..
By: as / Mohammed acipra west: We often hear the mouths of some teenagers acipra "Sahrawi" the logo "resonant" which tickles the ears of the Polisario leadership, the slogan "there is no alternative, is no substitute for self-determination" and that

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