Saturday, May 24, 2014

Why say sorry ... now I

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I was on Thursday pkrt of a white Golf, reg. number dmv vin check GOO122 which slipped from pkrslen! He hit me quite easily, at a traffic light on Nobelvgen in Malm. I got out to talk to him, seemed like a lighter alcoholic / narkomantypehan said: "turn right to the right here, so we see on the" Somewhat naively, I sat down and turned to the right, he drove straight ahead. Wait Audi around for a few half snowdrifts think he had overlooked that I drove in a Quattro. Now he unfortunately got some cars and a few buses in front of me, and swung to the right a little longer promote, I missed dmv vin check the turn, but took the next right, and by gassing RS6'eren little downloaded I saw him Inste traffic light, got reg. number and phoned the polis. S went hunting otherwise through the area at Lundavgen I followed fine for him with the polis rusty (hands free of course), I have kept the 20-30 meters behind him, he took it over a roundabout with 30-40km/t.....over for hard ..... and onto a sidewalk with 50km/t.....mens I talked to the polis, but typically their slow reaction came not rather, before I considered that we risked others frlighed. S I pulled myself ..... could have followed him without problems, but if suddenly someone you pram upside down .... s better let the polis find a solution. S a white 1995 Golf, with reg. number GOO122, good with snow on the roof .... and the world's biggest idiot behind dmv vin check the wheel.
is not there something you can turn him up when you have reg nummert .. s, can you at least buy credit to his house and joke what happens. He has since automatic hehe
is not there something you can turn him up when you have reg nummert .. s, can you at least buy credit to his house and joke what happens. He has since automatic hehe the type he is, foretrkker I send a team from Ukraine, which we previously used for "jobs" as I lived there ..... the alternative is: But there is a risk of course to be seen "wrong p" if I am taking my dobbeltlbede Tikka upper arm in Malm ..... Even if he had stopped I'm not sure I'd get out and talked to him fr the polis was there ..... whether he had anything in the car he would not share with the public, alternatively, more likely, he was impacted either by alcohol or drugs ..... not just something I want to discuss with .... And there is nothing to look at my car, but I knew that not since I turned right at the junction ....
You can get the owner's name and zip code on sms here + other miscellaneous information: Man fr not the owner's name and address .... only information about the car . But if you send a text message, you can f information, just having Laddad my Swedish mobile fr I fr information .... but quite frankly, it is a matter for the police. Do not risk anything to forflge sdaN an idiot ..... if in had seen how he drove ..... I've never seen anything like it, drove to the 2-3 s the light at full speed (50-80km / h) of fodgngerovergange, as I said about. 50km / h along a sidewalk on Lundavgen (where there are road works) .... with blatant drlige com, and input capabilities to control on slippery roads .... Should we visit the him it is a boldtr and / or 9mm ..... and this is my family / career / criminal record too much vrt to!
The sole property of a guy with the Polish-sounding name. But his age is 84, and he lives in Blekinge. Do not think you fr need not boldtr or 9mm) The man who drove the car seemed more like a p 35-38 ....... youthful guy ..... maybe it was the s easy .... hmm .... by more detailed reflection, it was probably stjlet, I mean sdaN as he drove. S has prvet it ..... HOME Next time I will pkrt, they put down on the road, and laid in strips ...... just saying, sorry, p in advance! Last edited by RS6: 01/01/2011 kl. 20:00
Why say sorry ... now I'm not quite sure the law in Sweden, but if it looks like Danish, so you have full right to arrest dmv vin check the person (by saying you are arrested and note the time, it must not be disclosed to person, but the police) You m not use strips / hndjern if the person is on the spot
Why say sorry ... now I'm not quite sure the law in Sweden, but if it looks like Danish, so you have full right to arrest the person (by saying dmv vin check you are arrested and note the time, it must not be disclosed to person, but the police) You m not use strips / hndjern if the person is on the spot I'm sorry because it comes perhaps to go beyond a "less guilty" than he was the fool ..... meant as a joke ..... Yeah, I guess you're right in that gern

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