Saturday, June 14, 2014

26 days ago

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However, electronic devices, they can also take huts, They let untouched. Police visura pra gratis and forensics could find no fingerprints.
Perhaps visura pra gratis it would be a bit of appeal to the sense of responsibility of people. Who cares it today when next door the alarm goes off or you leads an unusual noise. Please hinhren simple and may report
26 days ago
26 days ago
Where you wohnsch? Noa kemmat i the Porsche holn, obo please the Schlissl lossn steckn .... ;-) You, Opportunity makes the thief! visura pra gratis I did nia much money odo suscht irgndwelche Wertsochn ummanonder are lossn. I derbormen not de gor.
Where you wohnsch? Noa kemmat i the Porsche holn, obo please the Schlissl lossn steckn .... ;-) You, Opportunity makes the thief! I did nia much money odo suscht irgndwelche Wertsochn ummanonder are lossn. visura pra gratis I derbormen not de gor.
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Sell stimp safe! Upper anyway, "borrowed" visura pra gratis everything visura pra gratis in this world isch lei solong me do be ... wos uses the olm more and more unzuhufn? And ietz where the gap between rich and poor yawns apart olle worth more because of course stolen more ...
26 days ago
And every day the complete grt except of-control visura pra gratis immigration of Fachkrften which Sdtirol soooooo desperately needs! And the policy is silent and looks too! At what actually sit in the parliament?
The income of the citizen allowed to be divided as follows: After taxes, visura pra gratis Fees and charges visura pra gratis about 30% of merit remain brig, if you do not yet erhlt any "punishment" with dubious arguments. In these 30% you have to have any fear of being robbed or mugged. Because the judicial system protects criminals instead of punished.
And now my dear Sesselwaermer, Lampedusa is open hoffenlich it'll catch you, money horny politicians, except for you, you can only find sex toys and slippers, possibly because it only plays without Wert.Schon with birthday thoughts and you is the indigenous people totally care less , only to heulen.Auf this way I wuensche the victims of much compassion, and working up, because losing that personal and wsrtvollen Erinnerungsgegenstaende by such a brazen theft is simply shameful and not ersetzbarHoffentlich still to grab and arrest to make this band. Good luck and nice Sunday.
The thieves who work during the day?
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3 violence in old age: sensitization project aims to prevent 06/14/2014 18:32 Bolzano - South Tyrol, together with the neighboring province of Tyrol leads the Interreg project "Violence in Old Age" by. The aim is to sensitize the citizen, .. read article
23 Mussolini Relief: STF will instead quote Museum 06/14/2014 15:38 Bolzano - The SD Tyrolean freedom Strongly opposes the proposal to illuminate the Mussolini-relief on Bolzano Finanzgebude with a quote ... Read Article
30 Fhrungswechsel at the Freedom 06/14/2014 11:18 Terlan At 10.00 clock has started the special convention of the Freedom in Terlan. The program includes, among other things, the election of the chairman, after reading the article ..
12 battle visura pra gratis for the Virgl 14/06/2014 11:04 To the Virgl Bolzano in Bolzano has flared up a power struggle. As the newspaper reported Alto Adige, unleashed visura pra gratis in the municipality an official warning letter .. Read Article
1 Ultimo: Eight month old baby injured in accident 06/14/2014 10:42 St. Walburg Today a traffic accident has against 815 clock at St. Walburg in Ultimo occurred. The car of a family vacationers from Bavaria berschlug to .. Read article
7 Bolzano: Rainbow Festival rckt closer 14/06/2014 10:18 Bolzano Bolzano is this coming weekend in the sign of tolerance. According to a report in the daily paper presented yesterday the South Tyrolean Dolomites Aids .. Read Article
1 Dorf Tirol: Tourists seriously injured in a fall, 14.06.2014 10:06 Dorf Tirol Significant injuries visura pra gratis to the ankle moved, according to a report in the daily paper Dolomites a 54-jhriger tourists from Germany on Thursday .. Read article
3 Bozen: Shrub drilled through the lower leg 06/14/2014 9:59 Bolzano When working on the farm rushed the 66-year-old HR from Bolzano visura pra gratis Sigmundskron yesterday Frh by a small wall. Here, the road dnne drilled a

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