Monday, June 2, 2014

A police officer stops a young woman who is caught in a 30km/h-Zone with 80km / h and it comes to t

A police officer stops a young woman who is caught in a 30km/h-Zone with 80km / h and it comes to the following conversation: P: Can I see your license please? Q: I have no more. The me was withdrawn a few weeks ago, as I drove drunk car for the 3rd time. P: Ah, can I please see the registration document? Q: That's not my car, I did not steal it. P: The car is stolen? F: Yes - but let me consider briefly, I think the papers I have seen in the glove compartment when I tricked my gun. P: You have a gun in the glove compartment? Q: Is. I've thrown in there quickly after I shot the driver of the car and the body had then placed back in the trunk. P: A corpse in the trunk?? Q: Yes! After the policeman has heard this, he calls on radio immediately the upper-echelon peers, so he gets support from him. The car was surrounded and arrived as the colleague, he slowly walked up to the driver and asked again: P: Can I see your license please? F: Sure. Here you are. (Driver shows valid driver's license) P: Whose car is this? Q: Mine - here are the papers. P: Can you please not open the glove box, I want to briefly examine whether you have deposited a gun there. Q: Of course, like to, but I have no gun in it. (Of course, there was no gun) P: Can I still take a look in your trunk? My co-worker told me that you have this as a corpse. In the trunk: no corpse. P: I understand that at all now. The police officer who stopped them, told me that you have no driver's license, stole the car, a gun in the glove compartment and a corpse in the trunk. Q: Super! And I bet he also claimed kolla reg nr that I'm driving kolla reg nr too fast!
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