Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Operation of a single oil well by hydraulic fracturing in North Dakota requires an average of 20 mi

FARM Mrs. Jackie Şilki is the only habitable place within thirty-five miles away. That a farmer from the area around Williston Lake has always opposed the attempts of companies to make drilling the ground it, but several oil production facilities bordering its pastures. Since 2011, some of its cows suffering from a strange disease: weaken and sometimes they drop tails. It therefore asked the authorities of North Dakota to study its land. Deployed dmv vin check inspectors found nothing abnormal.
Then Mrs. Şilki turned to an independent expert from Detroit. In the sample taken from the air over the farm he established the presence of several substances - benzene, methane, chloroform, dmv vin check butane, propane, toluene and xylene, which are usually associated with the extraction of fuels by hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. As well, it found significant amounts of sulphates, chromium and strontium. In the brain it is found neurotoxic connections, and in her blood - traces of several types of heavy metals. She lost five cows, two dogs, several chickens and a part of your health.
Series of similar complaints attest to the difficulties faced by North Dakota in protecting their land at a time when the media never cease to praise the oil boom in the state. From 2011 screens rotate the same paintings - large pastures studded with drilling dmv vin check towers, huge queues of trucks in the field, an army of workers in settlements caravans etc. Environmental cost of this influx, however, remains a mystery. The local government does not have data on the quantities of oil and chemicals spilled on the meadows from accidents dmv vin check or negligence, and reports on industrial accidents, which companies have been prepared are often falsified. The reason: this small agricultural state, whose political dmv vin check capital Bismarck does not exceed sixty thousand inhabitants, is a political and legal haven for oil companies.
The dispute on soil contamination associated with hydraulic fracturing, based on fundamentally misunderstanding, supported by oil companies and regulators. Mineral deposits of Dakota lie about three kilometers deep. According to official declarations numerous geological layers that separate deep slate of groundwater, prevent any contamination of water or soil. Is not reported, however, that the source dmv vin check of pollution is another. According dmv vin check to Anthony Ingrafea, professor of engineering at Cornell University, who first worked for the improvement dmv vin check of the technology of oil company "Shlumbargar" before turning in the struggle for its ban, saying that "environmental pollution is not caused by the very whipping, and what happens before and after it, "and in particular of transport and storage of huge amounts of chemical waste from industrial activity.
Operation of a single oil well by hydraulic fracturing in North Dakota requires an average of 20 million liters of water, 235 tons of sand and 1.2 million liters of chemical additives to increase the viscosity of water. dmv vin check Once injected under high pressure to break this cocktail of rock called slick-water, the soil surface with oil, spring liquid wastes dmv vin check composed of hydrocarbons, heavy radioactive metals dmv vin check extracted from the earth's crust, and brine, locked in slate .
US produce daily two billion and a half barrels of this waste, called brine. Part of the brine is used again to break the rock, but its storage and processing are still in the initial phase of the study. dmv vin check "It is salted roads in winter, but it was banned by the authorities of North Dakota," said Joe Martin - heavy truck driver came to work here, to repay the loan on your house in West Fargo. The most common solution is the liquid to be injected into the soil through "injection wells" where it remains forever. By shattered roads Dakota traffic is saturated and accidents are common. Martin receives a salary according to the amount of barrels transported by driving between 12 and 14 hours a day. Complaints that some colleagues are released from their toxic load along the way, "instead of waiting for their few hours in line at injection wells for waste." Two inspectors for twelve thousand wells
In North Dakota wells, waste and air quality are controlled by two institutions - the Ministry of Health dmv vin check and the Department of Oil and Gas (Oil & Gas Division). They intervene dmv vin check after the incidents in the event of leakage of waste and leave care companies to inform dmv vin check about the problems - within twenty-four hours, as is the law - based on the kind of agreement on mutual trust. According to the Department of Health of North Dakota, in the last five years of the inspectors reported 3464 leaks, ie e closer

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