Tuesday, December 31, 2013

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Profile Vision & Mission History Nagari Development Strategy Profile Device Profile Wali Nagari Nagari Nagari Conditions Geogarfis Conditions free vin check report Map & Limit Soil type and topography of the Nagari Geology Hydrology & Irrigation Agriculture Demographic Potential of Indigenous Peoples and Communal Nagari Nagari Potential Potential of Agricultural & Plantation Organization Overseas Nagari Tourism Trade Infrastructure Clean Water Facility Nagari Religious Education Facilities free vin check report Facilities Health Facilities Sport Facilities Management free vin check report of Road Infrastructure Services ID card Nagari Family Card Handling Mail Handling Moving Needy Families Information Handling Services Management of Zakat Infaq sadaqah Marriage Certificate (NA) Achievement Scholarship Clearance Clearance Clearance Permits Building Permit Payment Tax & Institutional Buildings Adat Nagari (NAC) Permusyawatan Agency (Bamus) Institute for Community Empowerment (LPM) Dubalang Nagari Nagari Paga skelter Empowerment & Family Welfare (PKK)) Bundo Kanduang Students & Youth Association AMS Ulema Council Bait-ul-Mal Wa Tamwil Nagari ( BMT) Farmers Group Association (union) Regulations Nagari Rabies Perna Perna Perna BMT Dues Nagari Perna Perna Environmental Health & Kamtibmas skelter Paga Traditional Limbago Nagari Nagari Perna Perna Perna Human Services Mutual Aid Nagari Nagari Photo & Video Gallery Contact Us Guest Book LEAF Allocations Download Details January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September October 2012 November free vin check report 2012 December 2012
District Head, Mayor Korong, Danramil and citizens are cleaning litter mixed with soil, street front aur Malintang. Expected to society not dispose of waste in place on the streets.
Aur Malintang, free vin check report Wednesday, February 22, 2012 the community, sub-district IV Koto Aur your Malintang free vin check report Marzuni, Wali Nagari Koto Aur III South Malintang Kamarsam along with 7 Wali Korong, Society and attended also by Danramil River Geringging together worked together to clean the road from Batang Gasan kaciak Korong Dandang Lancang River until the road Korong Lancang district. IV Koto Aur Malintang, this is a Pre Goro Goro district is located in the district. IV Koto Aur Malintang precisely in Lancang left and right sassy Sassy Korong Nagari Koto Aur III South Malintang Saturday, February free vin check report 25, 2012 from 08:00 am - finish. free vin check report Goro was attended by Ali Mukhni Pariaman Regent and Vice Regent Damsuar and ranks of government at the district level.
For people in Nagari Koto Aur III South Malintang let us together to attend and participate with a sense of community through a spirit of mutual cooperation we wake Nagari Koto Aur Malintang III South.
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