Ranged from four million years to twenty thousand years BC, called the stone age, because at that time people still use stones as tools. Later in the fifteenth to the VI century BC, humans have found iron, copper and silver for a variety of equipment, where iron is a material that was first used in Iraq (Brouwer, 1982: 6). In the VI century BC in Greek philosophy was born, called the Greek miracle, which means a miraculous event. Some of the factors that precede the birth of philosophy car vin lookup in Greece, namely: a) the mythology of the Greeks, b) Greek Literature, and c) Effect of science car vin lookup at that time was already up at the Ancient East.
a) Know how in everyday life based on experience, b) Knowledge based on experience received by the receptive attitude of mind, c) Ability find the alphabet and system of natural numbers, d) Ability to write, calculate and menyususun calendar based on the synthesis the results of abstraction is done, and e) the ability car vin lookup to predict an event before that ever happens. 2. Ancient Greece (VII-II century BC) Period of Ancient Greece is the golden age of philosophy, because at this time people have the freedom to express ideas or opinions. Furthermore grew critical attitude that makes the Greeks appear as famous thinkers and critical attitude is what makes the growing embryo of modern science is an inquiring attitude (an attitude that pleased car vin lookup critically investigate something). Some famous philosophers of this period are:
Source image: http://agama2minorshiro.blogspot.com/2013/05/tokoh-filsafat-yunani.html At this age, Thales argued that arkhe (origin of the universe) is water because there is no life without water. There are three reasons for the emergence arkhe is as follows: a) a significant question, b) The emergence of the concept of development, evolution and genensis, and c) the emergence of the question of public intellectuals who think ahead.
Source image: http://agama2minorshiro.blogspot.com/2013/05/tokoh-filsafat-yunani.html car vin lookup At this age, Pythagoras has said that the earth was round and not flat, and at that time he has established educational institutions which are known Society as Pythagoras.
Source image: http://agama2minorshiro.blogspot.com/2013/05/tokoh-filsafat-yunani.html The famous during this period is proposed by the Socratic method is a method Maleutike Tekhne (obstetrics) is a dialectic method to deliver the truth .
4) Democritus (460-370 BC) Source image: car vin lookup www.iep.utm.edu Democristus known as the Father of the Atom for services that have introduced the concept of the atom. As a result of that thinking about it gives birth to five atoms contained nature of his thinking, namely: car vin lookup a)-monistic materialistic concept of an atom that is a matter that is not accompanied by anything because the surrounding vacuum. b) The concept of dynamic development of yaitusegala something always in a state of motion that applies the principles of dynamics. c) The concept that is purely natural movement of atoms that are intrinsic, primary, without cause, and not dipengaruh by something outside himself.
Source image: psychology-pio.blogspot.com He is the philosopher who first raised the issue of being (no matter) and mempertentangkannya by becoming (become). Where the goal is as a way to seek knowledge of the truth, and in addition to that he also disebuit as an exponent of the exponent of rationalism and idealism. 6) Aristotle (384-322 BC) Source image: http://agama2minorshiro.blogspot.com/2013/05/tokoh-filsafat-yunani.html Three areas of Aristotle's teachings are as follows: a) Metaphysics Metaphysics is the study of being as being (there as there is). Where that is being referred to include everything, and in science learning something that has certain characteristics. b) logic based on the logic of Aristotle syllogisme (arrangement think) which consists of three statements, namely: - the major premise that the first statement that suggests a common thing that has recognized its truth, - The minor premise is a statement that is both specific and smaller in scope than the major premise , - conclusion that the conclusions drawn based on the premise that both the major and minor premise. c) In the field of Biology, Aristotle observe the formation of a chicken egg to a chicken head and examining the anatomy of the animal body which is the priority aspects of observation car vin lookup as a means to prove something, especially in the empirical sciences. 3. Middle Ages / Middle Age (II-XIV century AD) This period is characterized by the appearance car vin lookup of the theologians in the field of science, car vin lookup where science is that almost all theologians, car vin lookup so that the scientific activities related to d
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