Friday, January 3, 2014

Historical portrait above implies that boarding schools have a role in fortifying the people, natio

Historically, boarding school is an educational institution that is based on the existence of textual pengaaran began to appear in the late 18th century. In terms of Gus Dur, boarding school is an educational institution that continuing education pre-Islamic relay. First person who established the boarding island of Java is Maulana Malik Ibarahim. In the development of boarding schools also provide jaguar vin decoder an important role for the nation and the State. This can be seen during the colonial occupation, which has generally been recognized boarding a bastion of resistance that appears on the culmination of support and assistance to the prince Diponogoro against invaders. (Gusdur, 2007, 123).
Historical portrait above implies that boarding schools have a role in fortifying the people, nation and state. Consistent with these roles, today's boarding schools are faced with the globalization jaguar vin decoder process product freely outside world in the form of thought, culture, technology and other easily interact, adapt to the people of Indonesia. The above process, in terms of the world economy is referred to as free trade is free trade or free markets. This market movement, it is agreed by most parties, including the State of Indonesia. The statement can be proved by the existence of forms of economic cooperation in the familiar jaguar vin decoder so-called jaguar vin decoder Free Trade Aggrement (FTA). Based on the reality of the above, it seems clear that the people of Indonesia as well as the students could not get out of the crush of the global world, but will automatically come into play in the global arena stage. So the question is how to build a human boarding school ready and able to play dipentas global arena?. Thus this paper aims to rebuild the critical attitude of the boarding jaguar vin decoder schools, and provide a fresh herb in HR Preparing the students and the community at large.
The existence of a free market in Indonesia inspire generations jaguar vin decoder of writers as to reveal in depth what dwells behind the message of global freedom. According to the author, there are at least two messages carried by the owners of foreign capital in bringing products to the motherland Indonesian daganganya. First, control or domination of capital. That is, the main goal of the owners of foreign capital in spreading keindonesia merchandise product is to have as much advantage, The purpose of this very negative impact for owners of local capital. Rationalization jaguar vin decoder is the buyers interests of local products on the wane, due to global products have better quality and the price is within jaguar vin decoder easy reach.
This phenomenon further, looked and felt by the people of Indonesia, premises presence of Chinese products at very cheap and unique models of other global products. Currently, more people buy products china products, at affordable prices, from the purchase of other products at a great price. Given, this global product, indirectly, local products will be marginalized, jaguar vin decoder and the owners of local capital will be "out of business". In a broader context, the presence jaguar vin decoder of a global product, will reduce economic income of Indonesian society, even the nation's economic condition will memperpuruk masyarat especially rural middle class social status. By following these assumptions, boarding schools and community-based rural middle down, will also crash the economy, so it is not able to oversee public education towards more advanced and qualified. Second, the dominance of the traditions and culture, the roots of the roots of the struggle for local traditions, and then injected the global tradition. This dominance will impact the loss of morality Idonesia building. Speaking of tradition, which is often voiced boarding schools and instill the tradition of local religious jaguar vin decoder traditions, with the free market also disrupted its existence. This is because the global tradition has to offer, is adaptive to the times. People who already ternina bobokkan by modern times, will be devoted to enjoying a global product which they claim as part of modernity. They are fun to enjoy it without thinking the impact it will have on the root pencerabutan tardisi. For example, the presence of fashion products from europe and china model strongly reflects openness, many ogled and enjoyed by the people of Indonesia, even less so also used by the pesantren. The fact above, can be said to have implicitly captured or dominated tradition of local tradition popularized by the boarding which Muslim fashion. Of the two messages jaguar vin decoder above dominative in free trade, boarding school as a bastion of the nation, especially Muslims must re-take the roots of the tradition of local tradition that has been built by building and preparing the human resources of the students, so

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