Although the chief scientist Thoughtworks of Martion folwer as "continuous integration" detrape under the definition, but because of their different backgrounds and experiences, everyone has a different understanding of them. In a narrow sense, continuous integration can be considered a construct based on recurring activities, or some variation of a software system (Note: This refers not only to the construction activities compiler package work also includes various types of automated testing, deployment and dissemination detrape activities). However, it ignores the point that: Any practice should include "interaction with people," this factor. So, speaking from a wide meaning, continuous integration should be activities throughout the development detrape process and software development teams within the constraints of the above activities adopted. It emphasizes the interaction detrape between the development team and continuous integration system. We both have seen continuous integration has been very successful team, have seen continuous integration ineffective, or even failure cases.
In software development, continuous integration practice as soon as possible to solve the problem is the integration and early feedback. Thus, despite all the current popular version control tools provide a branch / merge function, but the realization of continuous integration in less than 20 teams, it is recommended to use Single Branch development detrape strategy. This will reduce the cost of such a multi-branch opened in the merger. In addition, because the ideal case, each branch needs to have a dedicated continuous integration environment (including continuous integration server, build and test environments, etc.), so the Single Branch detrape also reduce detrape the demand for continuous integration environment (when compared to compile time long or more test cases, the impact of this factor is particularly important).
Joe suggested that the development process should become Figure 3: Each person before developing new code, the code can only be detected detrape from the continuous integration of the latest version has been successfully; detrape develop new features or modify bug; the main branch before submitting code again taken to the local merger; run local tests to ensure that the test can be; submit code to the main branch, the server running the test again by the continuous integration. If the test passes, go to step (1); If the test does not pass, go to step (2) until the repair continuous integration build on.
So he put this idea to other people, and finally most people agree to do so. Thus, the submission process becomes this: each person before developing new code, the code can only be detected from the continuous integration of the latest version of the completely successful; develop new features or modify bug; run a local test, if it fails? immediate repair until the test costs; detrape prior to submitting the code on the main branch again take to the local merger; run local tests to ensure that the test can be; submit code to the main branch, run the test again by a continuous integration server. If the test passes, go to step (1); If the test does not pass, go to step (2).
"Today I encountered a problem I then submit the code, waiting for the continuous integration server returns detrape the results of it, Bob submitted code. Fortunately, detrape I submit the code passed the test, otherwise, I'm going to Bob's code above fix it, so I suggest that we need to set up a commit token, only people who get this submission in order to submit a token that is, when a local man to finish the test, get the token. get after then merge code, local testing and submission. later submitted as a result of continuous integration server returns successfully when the token to be returned so that I would not be the case with Bob. "
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