Sunday, April 27, 2014

Eligibility Egyptian resident abroad to bring his car to Egypt is entitled to an Egyptian carvins c

News urgent telephone bill Ground month April 2014 Telecom telephone bill Ground of Telecom Egypt for the month of April 2014 Telecom Egypt Ground telephone bill for the month of April 2014 te querying telephone bill Ground in 2014 and functions of the Ministry of Tourism in 2014
Different customs assessed on cars coming to Egypt from one country to another, whether Arab countries like Saudi Arabia, United carvins cove Arab Emirates Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Yemen, carvins cove Bahrain or foreign countries, as well as the model of car to another, as well as radically different depending on the year of manufacture and luxuries attached drive. Has Atsal some Egyptians living abroad and who wishing to bring their own cars to Egypt for the duration of the leave of their own, on the procedures and expenses assessed on them. And we'll show in the gate of the teacher during this post subject of a comprehensive and complete carvins cove all customs cars how to calculate customs duties on cars Arab Republic of Egypt in 2014
Eligibility Egyptian resident abroad to bring his car to Egypt is entitled to an Egyptian carvins cove resident abroad that brings his car to Egypt and release it after payment of taxes and fees and completion of documents described below: documents to be provided for the release of the vehicle, are as follows: - the origin of the first license for a car described by the date of acquisition in the case of European countries require a license to provide a letter from the Egyptian embassy in the state health benefit car license car license. Or - a letter from the passage of the country licensed car documented benefit from the Egyptian Foreign-owned car in the model year and that the first owner of the car. Or - the purchase carvins cove invoice for the car documented and approved carvins cove by the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, is the billing date is the date of acquisition. - In addition to a passport photo to the contemporary history of buying a car or a certificate issued by the movements of the Passport Department in Cairo. How to calculate the total customs taxes (Egyptian pounds): carvins cove First car classes Customs (Almlaki): 1 - the car until 1600 CC (CC) * 40% customs tax 0.15% sales tax 0.3% development fee 2 - the car is greater than 1600 until 2000 CC * 135% customs tax 0.30% sales tax 0.5% development fee 3 - the car is larger than 2000 CC * 135% customs tax 0.45% sales tax, 8.5% development fee Second, calculate the total customs taxes ( Egyptian pound) a. Calculate the value Saif (cif) for the car: fob value of the car (Egyptian pound) = the value of the car (at the plant) exchange rate (of the currency of a country the production of the car) * Value sword of the car = Value FOB + expenses freight (from the port of production) + expenses + insurance expenses unloading b - calculate the total customs carvins cove duties: 1 = customs tax value Saif 2 ratio customs tax sales tax = (CIF value + customs carvins cove tax) percentage of the sales tax 3 fee Resource Development = (CIF value + customs tax + sales tax ) percentage of development fee ** Total customs taxes = customs tax + sales tax + drawing resources development. Notes: 1 - gives used cars that are provided for personal use or special carvins cove effect from the first month of October for the model year deduction of 10% of the value (FOB) until the end of September of the following year, provided that the updated rules of import and Tmanhazh car received after that date adversary of 5% for each year Talahmhassobh from the first month of October of each year, shall not exceed the discount rates of 50%. - To calculate the value of the discount use = FOB value discount rate to use. 2 - These calculations do not include customs duties and other luxuries in the harbor, as well as incidental expenses do not include other expenses such as flooring and perks and customs clearance, and so on. 3 - for passenger cars contained draw patients and the disabled: carvins cove the price of the car is reduced by $ 20 thousand pounds if the disability carvins cove impede normal, carvins cove but if the disability is the result of Anasabh work shall be reduced by the price of the car for $ 25 thousand pounds, The Arthritis Alamlyataharbah shall be reduced by $ 45 thousand pounds. 4 - different customs carvins cove car from time to time depending on the exchange rate of a country's currency production car.
Aaan tariff of car (in accordance with the provisions of the Customs Department in this regard) First: passenger cars are buying the car during the model year and be a model of the same year) before the first of the month of October - so as to get a discount of 10% for the year) to Zero ( first owner). are recorded to pass the name of the buyer and is extracted Brent traffic indicated the phrase (no owner. Prior to this car and accredited Traffic competent and certified by the Saudi foreign and Egyptian consulate) adoption of the purchase invoice and ratified by the competent authorities (chamber of commerce, carvins cove foreign Saudi Arabia _ Egyptian Consulate of nets in the history of contemporary ratification of the purchase invoice). Second, tariff treatment for passenger cars, where the pictures attached with o surround it necessary for the release of cars microbus that carries its owner a professional driver's license. o with surround it necessary for the release of pickups that carries its owner a professional driver's license and having possession of agricultural or commercial register. IMPORTANT NOTE lease, carvins cove which expires ownership is not in conformity with the conditions Customs cars coming from the Gulf to Egypt in 2014
Get discounts of 10% for the first year and 5% for each subsequent year up to a maximum of 4 years in the sense that the maximum discount can get is 30% of the value of the car. The price of the car registered customs carvins cove Egyptian, if the purchase invoice, multiplied any price is far from the reality, Customs relies Price registrar then calculated depending on the price of the currency as customs clearance and not the time to buy a car, in the sense that if you bought the car in 2000 at a price of $ 150,000 when the dollar was equal to 4 pounds, for example, and you want to be entered Egypt in 2008, the price is (15000 5.3 = 79500 LE

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