Sunday, June 8, 2014

... Is caught in a 30 km zone at 80 km / h it comes to the following dialogue: Policeman:

... Is caught in a 30 km zone at 80 km / h it comes to the following dialogue: Policeman: "Can I see your driver's license please" Wife. "Oh, I have no more The me was withdrawn a few weeks ago, as I drove drunk car for the 3rd time." Policeman: gravame "Aha, can I please see the registration papers?" Woman: "Oh, this is not my car, I did not steal it." Policeman: "The car is stolen?" Woman: "Yes, - but let me superior to short, I think the papers I have seen in the glove compartment when I tricked my gun there." Policeman: "You have a gun in the glove compartment?" Wife. "Is I've thrown in there quickly after I shot the driver of the car and the body was then placed in the trunk." gravame Policeman: "What corpse in the trunk?" Woman: "Yes!" The officer immediately calls via radio to the diensthheren colleagues so that he gets support. As my colleague arrives, he walks carefully towards the driver and again asks, "Can I see your driver's license?" Wife: "Sure, here please." (Driver shows gltigen driver's license) Policeman: "Whose car is that?" Woman: "Mine, here are the papers." "Please open the glove box you can, I mchte check up short if you have a weapon.": Policeman Woman: gravame "Of course, like to, but I have no gun in it." (Of course, there is also no gun) Cop: "Can I then have a look in your trunk throw my staff told me that you have this as a corpse.." (Trunk: no body) Policeman: "I understand nothing at all more The colleague who has stopped them, told me that you do not have a driver's license, stole the car, a gun in the glove compartment and a corpse in the trunk!" Woman: "Good And I bet he also claimed that I'm driving too fast, eh?"
34 - Norman 18.12.2008, 13:30 clock
Post 30 = Czech fr "This one simply had to send" - result of my error. I thought gravame that this comment will hinzugefgt in the e-mail with the wit and will not appear here under the comments ... sorry: (
The best joke I've heard or read in years! Wow!
Messa you talking ba yourself?
sorry aba check the isch net
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