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Bolzano The hunt for the burglars who struck at the home of Baumgartner Pagano family mycarfax twice, air at full speed even when it is obviously in the LEAVES by true professionals who have left no traces. This reports the daily newspaper Alto Adige. For a week, the police mycarfax investigated under the direction mycarfax of Giuseppe Tricarico the list of gefhrten Telefongesprche that were gefhrt in the zone not only time of the crime, but also a few days earlier. It is minutise legwork. Still hope the Ordnungshter to come at least by electronic traces the LEAVES on the ropes. Initially the police want to create a list of all phones that were active at that time. Phones can be TRACED, even if you are not on the phone with them. This care is taken especially for the numbers to appear at the time of both Einbrche. Even if the perpetrators are not from Bolzano, it is assumed that they at least had an accomplice on site. When analyzing the Ordnungshter with thousands of mobile numbers are facing. Therefore, it is assumed that the investigation will last longer. Investigators suspect besides, that it is the same band at both Einbrchen. Initially the offender had not entered the bedroom because she did not want to wake the owner. Only during the second burglary she stole the jewelry in the bedroom. This is for the investigators an indication that the perpetrators have received precise instructions from someone.
The double-dip in home Baumgartner-Pagano employs to be the Ordnungshter. As the head of the state police investigation, Giuseppe Tricarico explains Opposite mycarfax the day sheet Dolomites, it must be assumed that the thieves have their goal not picked by chance. Instead, just let the two-time intrusion schlieen that the offender or knew exactly where they were looking for. The high value of the stolen mycarfax goods speak less opportunity for thieves rather than for professionals. mycarfax An exact sum is not called mycarfax Tricarico. As reported, the perpetrators stole in the first break-in watches and jewelry with a total value of around one million euros. The booty was certainly hard again to sell and not intended for the local market. As the daily newspaper Alto Adige reported it knnte even end up with a job theft. Tricarico he erklrte loud Alto Adige, that he does not believe in coincidences. Even traces of huts the offender not leave.
Now it is time to check, whether the thieves due prziser instructions from someone who knows the apartment well acted. Even the service personnel who had been employs in the past couple of knnte be put under the microscope. As the investigators besttigten, the couple has no insurance, the knnte compensation.
As reported on Sunday, broke out in the night to a May 9, unknown to the family Pagano-Baumgartner in the Bolzano Guntschnastrae and looted watches worth half a million euros.
The burglar noticed the residents until Friday (May 9) in the Frh The offender reached according to the daily Alto Adige about a Fenstertr in the apartment in Brixen entrepreneur Kurt Baumgartner and his wife, the notary Patrizia Pagano.
Allegedly, the unknown burglars knew exactly where and by what they had to look to make fat booty. Mrs. Pagano suspected that the theft was commissioned for other valuable Gegenstnde did not seem to interest the offender.
Kurt Baumgartner emphasized that he was glad that no one krperlichen damage have suffered. The two children Rebecca and Konrad remained unscathed. However, he knne since that night only more difficult to fall asleep.
about an alarm system they thought mycarfax huts before the incident. Safe was not aware of any been in the house, because mycarfax the risk is so verknpft that burglars keep a gun to your head, so you opened the safe, says Kurt Baumgartner mycarfax and Patrizia Pagano.
Sounds as good as an episode of CSI ;-)) I hope of course the beltter be taken!
14 days ago
Fr the reward of 10,000 -. Mr. Baumgartner knnte an alarm AND buy insurance! If someone so v
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