Stands for inspection of tachographs | Diagnosis
The main element of the stand is a roller set 8, in which can be applied brake horsepower or stand. service history To control the distance traveled by the wheel on the side surface of the tire adheres reflecting strip 5 so that the light beam of the optical sensor 7 is located at the center of the reflecting strips. service history Interface to connect the meter to the tachograph with the meter itself is located in the cockpit, and a special program made the necessary measurements.
Fig. Options stand ATS 1601.26 to check tachographs: 1 - meter (PTS-2); 2 - an interface service history connectable to the vehicle; 3 - the network of the interface; 4 - the printer; 5 - reflective service history strip; 6 - double roller set; 7 - the optical sensor; 8 - roller set
Opportunities stand to check tachographs: measurement of the speed of trucks - up to 80 km / h, the cars - up to 120 km / h, if the measurements are made narolikovyh units or stands to check the engine power parameters determining the speed by 1 km for mechanical tachographs determination of the number of pulses per 1 km for electronic tachographs wheel circumference measurement (in millimeters) measurement and installation of a constant (K) tachographs check the required accuracy at 1000 rev / km (mechanical tachographs) and 1000 pulses / km (electronic tachographs) function test pulse encoder pulse frequency register rotation of a comprehensive inspection of tachographs (instrumental verification, programming, testing chart) control the accuracy of the time
In measurements on a roller due to tire deformation measurement errors occur in comparison with the actual conditions of use. To compensate for the errors introduced service history correction factors, which are specified in the instructions to the stands or calculated using special formulas. Tabulated values of the coefficients for some tires, especially low-profile tires, or with a deep tread pattern, may differ from actual, so you should make their refinement by calculation. It measures the distance traveled service history by the tires of the drive wheels service history of a vehicle on a roller for 10 wheel revolutions, service history and compared to the same distance on the road.
Stands for checking speedometers Stands to check the shock absorbers and suspension Brake stands for all-wheel Test stands for fuel pump operating principle stands and especially service history testing of brake systems Stands express diagnostics wheel slip
Records relating to: Technical condition speedometers or tachograph Stand SDTA-2 for the diagnosis of diesel fuel equipment Stands for checking speedometers operating principle stands and especially service history testing of brake systems
Ustroystvo car> autos Mobile version
The main element of the stand is a roller set 8, in which can be applied brake horsepower or stand. service history To control the distance traveled by the wheel on the side surface of the tire adheres reflecting strip 5 so that the light beam of the optical sensor 7 is located at the center of the reflecting strips. service history Interface to connect the meter to the tachograph with the meter itself is located in the cockpit, and a special program made the necessary measurements.
Fig. Options stand ATS 1601.26 to check tachographs: 1 - meter (PTS-2); 2 - an interface service history connectable to the vehicle; 3 - the network of the interface; 4 - the printer; 5 - reflective service history strip; 6 - double roller set; 7 - the optical sensor; 8 - roller set
Opportunities stand to check tachographs: measurement of the speed of trucks - up to 80 km / h, the cars - up to 120 km / h, if the measurements are made narolikovyh units or stands to check the engine power parameters determining the speed by 1 km for mechanical tachographs determination of the number of pulses per 1 km for electronic tachographs wheel circumference measurement (in millimeters) measurement and installation of a constant (K) tachographs check the required accuracy at 1000 rev / km (mechanical tachographs) and 1000 pulses / km (electronic tachographs) function test pulse encoder pulse frequency register rotation of a comprehensive inspection of tachographs (instrumental verification, programming, testing chart) control the accuracy of the time
In measurements on a roller due to tire deformation measurement errors occur in comparison with the actual conditions of use. To compensate for the errors introduced service history correction factors, which are specified in the instructions to the stands or calculated using special formulas. Tabulated values of the coefficients for some tires, especially low-profile tires, or with a deep tread pattern, may differ from actual, so you should make their refinement by calculation. It measures the distance traveled service history by the tires of the drive wheels service history of a vehicle on a roller for 10 wheel revolutions, service history and compared to the same distance on the road.
Stands for checking speedometers Stands to check the shock absorbers and suspension Brake stands for all-wheel Test stands for fuel pump operating principle stands and especially service history testing of brake systems Stands express diagnostics wheel slip
Records relating to: Technical condition speedometers or tachograph Stand SDTA-2 for the diagnosis of diesel fuel equipment Stands for checking speedometers operating principle stands and especially service history testing of brake systems
Ustroystvo car> autos Mobile version
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