As I mentioned in a subculture direct links with, I decided to text mentioned a domestic audience to show that we are also humans and need virtually any kind ... uh ... crap, which I do not know the meaning of those words, and I also do not write know.
Skinhead / s (In layman nahkpea car vin / d) are generally people like, however there are some specific differences: Skinhead is nahkpea its literal meaning, as in fact made up of our head 98% disrupted car vin the stratum corneum, including the eyes, brain, bones, and even some of the struggle for the remaining teeth. Ideaalskinhead weighs about 200 kg and is about 2 meters long, ie the length and the weight ratio of 1/100. Only satisfy the dietary needs of skinheads ninakollid and Beer! Skinheads most important car vin parts of the body - the legs - is covered with a protective layer of combatsaabaste, the removal of which the first two months of life than skinheads is only possible surgical methods. Sometimes it will only petrol and matches, but this method is expensive car vin and time-consuming. Skinhea di toes instead of the cumbersome metal that remains after the removal of the lower layer of the boot. Increase with the number of skinheads boot the old boot with the wear layer. Nu touch himself number 44 number 44 boot boots tip pulled down a doomed endeavor. 40% by weight of the body from the neck saapaäärteni remaining consists of 40% of alcohol and 40% of the proportion falls -ine sugar. Alkogolist consisting of excludes the possibility that the skin suuudaks a long time to stay in the sun without bugger off, and a large percentage of sugar prevents any contact with hot water. It should also be noted that even long-term exposure to water can cause skinheads Leather alarm bells in my head to work. Skinheads hair, which is like the beginning of a citizen, a few months after going to grow inward to form a new protective layer for voice band. Making them extremely durable and allowing car vin them the only life forms 24.7 "Oi! Oi! Oi!" Scream. 18% skihheadi the interior of which do not have the hair, or a sugar alcohol, forms a rage directed at the transient, a future, from the remaining, or kaugeneva a forthcoming. When the wrath of a number of older, declining, skinhead gets home **, her head may occur in the first half to grow hair on the top, and often pulls it out of his saapakihile sneakers or flip-flops. About hence the need for this medical intervention (see. Paragraph 4, 5, 6) are among the most common nicknames skinhead Fat or Lard (See. P. 2). For younger skinhead name - or a Smurf Skin X X (X stands for a number that is constantly changing in a random car vin direction.) Some skins are better Radicals, some of the Left Radicals, some are dull and lazy, but also the radicals. Worship Skinheads car vin Oi! -jõudu And they are the tangible embodiment. Say is not any of that, he is weak and you have to wait a while before he stops crying, collect yourself, and you will kill. Russia Skinhead Panic Buttons are installed in the streets, they are a special type of militia and Russian Skins event, if someone is going to attack them, and they will download. Ments such as emergency aid, then the skins.
Warnings! Do not pick up maasvedelevaid baseball car vin bats - in nine cases out of ten are at the far end of their skin! (It is possible car vin that in the near / approaching car vin end of you, but in this case it is a warning already late.)
When you see the skins, which he curiously bomber sits in the back, then you can be sure that he is hiding beneath any impact tool (2 liters of wine and 28 beers are also löögiriistad tegel't ***). So close to passing away t'ast or look him in the eye!
Famous Skinhead 'e * 4: The most famous skinhead is Jean-Luc Picard Le Mer Doulalouis de Ivoire. (He is also one of the few e skinhead who can speak like a human e. Skin human who knew the words.) Second place belongs car vin to football Referee Pierluigi Collina'le. While many have mistaken him Nosferatuks it does not invalidate faith in him as a Skinhead Skins Hero Of All Time 'i. The name "Andrew Hurley" refers to a small group of people who have tried to assimilate the culture of skinheads. He and his disciples ran their heads bald, and thus tried to stir among skinheads, but due to the lack of the rear property karvakäristajate grew their hair back. After the discovery of rammer they supposedly dead. Link has been the basis for the post to be edited, translated and organized the data increases MNC car vin * Supposedly, it accounted for 90% of visitors immediate departure warning and 10% consisted of especially devoted fans, who only is his name lugemisestki that .... * 5 ** It has been observed and reported in cases of blog writing. Personal record of alcohol *** to accommodate clothes, has not been officially confirmed. car vin * 4 Who knows some more, then add a couple of comments Name + text, or keyword / vihjet- database needs to improve! The same also applies to the entire contents of the post. * 5 Fill out themselves according to their degree of perversity Pictures are coming from - X - marks the spot. *
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