Monday, February 23, 2015

Defective diode bridge generator car VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 (37.3701) pretends to be a complete or p

Defective diode bridge generator car VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 (37.3701) pretends to be a complete or partial disappearance of the charging current. Visually, this is evident in the fall-board voltage under load, such as flickering and dimming headlights with the engine running when the car consumers (stove, protivotumanok etc.). Similar problems arise when a faulty voltage regulator. Therefore it is necessary to define what exactly is faulty diode bridge, for example - to replace a known good control how to read a vin number and make sure that the problems have not disappeared.

- The diode bridge are three positive diode on the top plate, three negative on the lower plate and three additional through which feeds the field winding after starting the engine. how to read a vin number
- A healthy diode conducts current in only one direction how to read a vin number and the other in any way. If he passes a current in both directions, there is a fault - short circuit (diode "trial"). If it does not pass current how to read a vin number in any direction, there is another fault - "broken." From this and will build during the audit.
- Presses how to read a vin number multimeter positive probe to the general conclusion of additional diodes (bus), and the negative to the conclusion of the diode under test. Moreover, to the rear of his conclusion. If the diode is good - the resistance how to read a vin number tends to infinity. This means that the current through the diode in this direction does not pass - all in order.
- Change probes places (negative to a general conclusion, the positive - on the conclusion of the diode). how to read a vin number Resistance should be a few hundred ohms - the current passes in this direction. Similarly check the remaining two additional diode.
- If the check indicator lamp, it goes negative (eg battery) pigtail on the rear output diode and plus through the test light on a common bus diodes. Lights up - LED "broken", no - not defective. Change wires in places - the lamp should burn.
- The negative probe to the output diode is positive on the top plate of the diode bridge (there are soldered how to read a vin number "positive" diodes). Resistance should tend to infinity - no current how to read a vin number flows.
- "Positive" probe to the output of the diode, the "negative" on the bottom plate of the diode bridge (there are soldered "negative" diodes). Resistance should tend to infinity - no current how to read a vin number flows.
- You can check the diode bridge generator car VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 without removing it from the engine. This procedure is discussed in a separate article on our website: "Check of serviceability of the diode bridge (rectifier) generator car VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099, without removing it from the engine."
Navigation Fuel car VAZ 2103, 21033, 21035, 2106, 21061, 21063, 21065-00, 21065-01 Checking the diode bridge (rectifier) generator car VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099, without removing it from the engine
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