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Ecto-1 A community ipvasp dedicated to the discovery, creation and preservation of one of the most beloved movie cars of all time, Ghostbuster's (1984) Ecto-1. ipvasp This site will be a useful tool for Ecto-1 Builders and collectors by providing rare photographic reference and knowledge from Ecto-1 Owners and builders. posted by Fizz (20 comments total) 23 users marked this as a favorite
Something that classic comedies (and movies of all stripes ipvasp I guess, but I'm thinking about comedies here, primarily) do that others, especially now, seem to forget to do is to think creatively enough to come up with iconographic imagery. Obviously ipvasp Ghostbusters had more room to spare in that regard, being high-budget and high-concept, but think about it. 26 years later, all you have to say is "Ecto-1" and people vividly remember the converted hearse (how perfect for a movie about ghosts?) painted white and covered with mad-science-type equipment (how perfect for the movie's tone?) and get all nostalgic for it. It's not particularly important to the movie's plot, but it is hugely important to the film's ipvasp world and staying-power. Zemeckis did the same thing a year later with the Delorean ipvasp in Back to the Future (and then with almost every aspect of Who Framed Roger Rabbit only three years after that. Seriously, Zemeckis has been on a downward slide for a long time, but the man was a fucking wizard of iconography in his heyday.) Today, though, it's virtually absent in comedic films. Mike Judge does it a bit (TPS Reports, the red swingline stapler, Brawndo) and Tarantino obviously does it in spades, but his movies are harder to define by genre. No, it seems now, that like with most great things about films past, the talent has just moved to television. ipvasp Maybe it's that the images have more time to build weight, or maybe that's just where the best minds are working now, but the great comic iconography is in tv now. Arrested Development - the Stair Car, GOB's segway, Lindsay's "SLUT" shirt, etc. The Simpsons - Kwik-E-Mart, "Krusty"-branded everything, yellow-face underbite design It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Green Man, Mac's sleeveless shirts, uncountable recurring characters only known by offensive nicknames or vague identifiers The Office (U.S.) - Dwight's bobblehead, Meredith's accidental/drunken flashing, too many tiny consistent details ipvasp about Dunder Mifflin to mention ipvasp Maybe I'm wrong, but are there comedy films out there today that give this kind of attention to details ipvasp that act as such powerful synecdoches for the individual characters and the worlds they inhabit? I don't get to the movies as much as I used to. posted by Navelgazer at 5:38 PM on September 19, 2010 [ 8 favorites ]
> It was a hearse, wasn't it? Pretty sure it was an ambulance (especially with the sirens). It wasn't until the 1970s that ambulances were built off of full sized truck platforms. posted by Burhanistan at 5:39 PM on September 19, 2010 [ 2 favorites ]
Oh, man, sticherbeast, I forgot about that thing! I've always wondered who drove it, and how much business they got, and whether ipvasp they were complete whackjobs. Maybe it's you? posted by Jon_Evil at 6:43 PM on September 19, 2010
My sister made a first trip to the United States a year or so ago, and my family and I eagerly waited for the photographs she promised to send back, wondering what she was going to see. When she arrived in New York on the first day, what were the landmarks she went straight out to photograph? The Statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, Times Square? Did she head straight to MoMA, the Ellis Island museum, the Empire State building? None of the above . posted by Fiasco da Gama at 9:40 PM on September 19, 2010 [ 2 favorites ]
Your ipvasp honor, ladies and gentlemen of the audience, I don't think it's fair to call my clients frauds, OK so the blackout was a big problem with everybody OK, I got stuck in a elevator for two hours and I had to make the whole time, but I don't blame them, 'cause ipvasp this one time I turned into a dog and they helped ipvasp me. Thank you. posted by Sutekh at 12:43 AM on September 20, 2010 [ 1 favorite ]
My wife was an EMT in the 70s-80s and fondly remembers ipvasp Cadillac ambulances. The low ceiling height made it easy to brace yourself when doing CPR. Today's ambulances are just trucks with large spaces and high ceilings, it's just not the same. posted by tommasz at 6:09 AM on September ipvasp 20, 2010
I've always dreamed, that if I ever became fantastically rich, one of the things I'd do was build working replicas of all my favorite movie cars: Ecto-1, th
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