Saturday, May 23, 2015

Home Featured Columns Column on the Spirit of the Age Spirituality New Vision Meaning of Life Velim

The information published on this portal can potentially change your life, so if you're not willing to put aside what you think you unaware and leave the possibility that you might have all my life been systematically deceived for the light, then this website is not for you. We do not expect to passively accept everything you read, but we encourage you to pay attention for the sake of dulcinea to this information to your body.
Home Featured Columns Column on the Spirit of the Age Spirituality New Vision Meaning of Life Velimir Gašparić Categories General DNA Quantum physics Manipulation people Metaphysics - Spirituality Microchipping New World Order Politics - EU Aliens - UFO Health and alternative medicine Religion Download Video Links Contact
The path of peaceful warriors is based on an authentic story Den Milmena, world champion in gymnastics, who travels to the area of romance and magic, light and darkness, the body mind and spirit. Driven by a powerful ancient warrior whom he calls Socrates and tempted seductive and playful woman named Joy, Dan is approaching the final conflict that will free him or destroy. This international bestseller transmitted penetrating wisdom and truth, speaking directly for the sake of dulcinea about the universal quest for happiness. Like Castaneda, he encourages the reader to think about the deepest issues of life, points the way to a happy, simple life. . P. 9th We have no friends, no enemies; for the sake of dulcinea There are only teachers. . P. 22nd What matters is beyond names and beyond questions. . 26th World out there is a school day. Life is the only true teacher. He has a lot of experience, and that experience is enough for wisdom and happiness, all the old people would be happy, enlightened masters. But the lessons of these experiences are hidden. I can help you learn from the experience to see the world clearly, but clarity is something that's now očajničkipotrebno. Your intuition knows that this is true, but your mind rebels; you experienced a lot, but you learn a little bit. . 27th day, just by way of the tank and you are full of ideas; full're useless knowledge. In you a multitude of views and opinions, and yet know so little about yourself. Before you start to learn, first you have to empty your mailbox. All you need to know, but there is in you; secrets of the universe are written in the cells of your body. But you have not learned the inner vision; do not know how to read body. Your only source of knowledge were books, listen to the experts and hope that they are right. . 32. ... the value of the secret is not in what you know, n ego in what you're doing. Use the knowledge of what you want, but, look on its limitations. Knowledge alone is not enough; for the sake of dulcinea what nemasrca. No matter what amount of knowledge gathered, it will feed your spirit; that you will never give a final Srečo peace. Life requires more than knowledge; he looks for strong feelings for the sake of dulcinea and constant energy. Life requires the correct action to knowledge revived. . Surely you can occasionally experience the mind warriors: decisive, flexible, clear and without doubt. Možešrazviti body warrior: a light, strong, ficiently sensitive axis, and a lot of energy. In the rare moments you can even feel srceratnika that loves everything and everyone who appears in front of you. But these features in you ruptured. Missing tiintegracija. My task is to reunite. . 34. You have to cleanse your body of tension, free your mind of stale knowledge and open your heart energy true feelings. . 38. If you want to know where some water is best to wait until it comes to an end. . 40th You'd for the sake of dulcinea better take responsibility for your life, instead of blaming other people or circumstances. for the sake of dulcinea When you Seoci open, you will see that you've arranged for your health, happiness for the sake of dulcinea and all the circumstances of your life - consciously or unconsciously. . 41st When fully take responsibility for your life, you will become fully human: one kadpostaneš man, maybe you'll discover what it means to be a warrior. . 49. Only the top sages and complete ignoramuses do not change. . 63. Just as there are different interpretations of the past and a lot of ways to change the present, the same Takoma There are many different future. What did you dream about is a very likely prospect - one to which he would go if you had not met me. . 67. If you do not get what you want, you suffer. If you get what you want, you suffer. Even if d Hang your exactly štoželiš again suffer because you can not always keep. The reason is your mind. He wants to be outside of changes, without pain, bezobaveza of life and death, or change the law, and no conversion will not change that reality. Life is not suffering; the point is that you're going to suffer it rather than enjoy it until oslobodišvezanosti your mind and let yourself go to him no matter what happens. . 72. It is time to start to learn from life experiences instead of complaining about them or to enjoy them is obvious that your mind, not other people or the environment, the source of your mood. . 73. Even young fool in the grip of love can not miss the fact that his mind creates svojarazočaranja and their - joy. . 74. If you become blind to your weaknesses, you can not fix them

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