Monday, May 4, 2015

Rafa: What kind of scoring, for six months ...

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The children from central Kosovo welcomed the start of school at home. Neither the fourth day of September, organized transport to school for more than a thousand students from the area has not been resolved. The problem arose because of the license plate, and because public bus transportation company webfleet based in Gracanica were not registered on the "Kosovo license plates."
Checking the vehicle webfleet is under way, and in addition the local authorities in solving the turn and the international community. While today is expected to go twelve time school buses are transporting students in previous years, six students from Bresovika near Pec will not get to their seats. The owner of the vehicle that was transporting webfleet pupils earlier, due to unpaid bills, refused webfleet to primary and secondary webfleet drives, and this year, so they have to to get to 15 kilometers remote classrooms in Gorazdevac. It will be all right and transportation to school going pupils most in Gracanica municipality, whose mayor Branimir Stojanovic hopes that the problem will soon be solved. - The most important thing is to provide transportation for students, and any irregularities shall be investigated later - he says. - The local government that pays the costs of transport, which is blocked, seeking a way to solve this problem webfleet - says Predrag Stojcetovic, Head of the school administration in Kosovska Mitrovica. 1600 champion classes in all elementary and secondary schools in Kosovo working on the curriculum, Serbia started on time. In Serbian schools will attend classes about 25,000 students, webfleet of whom about 1,600 champions. The new school year in the villages in the municipality of Dragas in the mountains, where in the Serbian language attended nearly 900 students, webfleet and hundreds of them taught by the Kosovo system in Bosnian language, began with minor problems. In the same elementary school in the village of Brod, attended by 150 students, webfleet classes in Serbian takes place in the afternoon, and in the Bosnian language in the morning. Otherwise, classes began only after, webfleet with the mediation of the OSCE, the Director who works according to the Serbian curriculum, returned the keys to the school, but not from the library, webfleet computer classroom and school archives.
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