Friday, May 29, 2015

In the event that the vehicle is imported from abroad aci does not meet any of the organic standard

Advice when buying a used car, check car registration, stolen vehicles
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Purchase a used car is in most cases a bit of a lottery. Statistical data are very unflattering - every fourth car is due to the increase in selling prices, "rejuvenated", most vehicles have twisted speedometers and up to 10% of used cars sold has changed identifiers, which in most cases means that it is a stolen car. There are many pitfalls and we have not mentioned yet about the technical aci problems that are equally serious.
First, then, are the general council, whose deeper meaning to read the article: Bring your own mechanic Give your time choosing, check everything and if possible even more and 2x In case of doubt, assume aci the worse - cars for sale is enough, do not take the first " tolerable "
The first two cases are really critical - you can for them in the car without compensation to come. The solution is to due diligence origin of the vehicle. It can also help in the bazaar, but do not rely too much on it. Whether or not the vehicle is stolen, you'll find pages, where for a fee you can perform online verification VIN code. In addition to the Web operates Cebia other useful portal, which will help in choosing a reliable used car dealer. Also, check whether the technical certificate (vehicle aci registration certificate) entered the same VIN code as a single component of the car.
The leasing and execution but probably just will not know, therefore, the problem is most serious in front of which will protect you just luck (if you can solve problems aci retrospectively through the courts). Stolen vehicles aci can be traced, at least, or at least know that it is a suspicious bid when the vehicle VIN code has been tampered with, which is the easiest to recognize your mechanic, whom the purchase / selection certainly invite. If this section controls underestimate, after purchase you may surprise check of the vehicle already registered, you must complete registration of the vehicle due to the registry.
In the event that the vehicle is imported from abroad aci does not meet any of the organic standards, you will have to pay more - if it meets the EURO 0, CZK 10 000, and 5000 CZK, 3000 CZK and meets the EURO 3, then you do not pay Nothing.
You will also need to verify the age of the vehicle - it easiest to do so by comparing the year of manufacture (see the large technical certificate) and the data printed aci on the various components in the vehicle. These data should agree - if not, it is a rejuvenated vehicle or vehicle parts exchanged (for example, due to a car accident).
Wrecked vehicle is a great danger that it would rather avoid. If in doubt, surely such a vehicle is selected. Such a vehicle can be dangerous in the future and also very expensive - probably were repaired only superficially, but even if not, the risk of technical problems with such a vehicle much higher than for vehicles nebouraného.
Whether the wrecked vehicle, you know, for example, the aforementioned control of individual components embossed with the year of production. Do not underestimate or control tires - badly used tires may indicate that something is wrong with the geometry of the car - the wheel alignment'll aci see the necessary best when driving on a straight road when you release the steering aci wheel. Automobile should aci not yourself aci "turn".
Specific actions to determine the technical condition of vehicles, aci however, need to do much more - for example, the control aci varnish, vehicle electronics, chassis, engine and so on. Without a mechanic but never not do enough to control quality and depth, so we recommend you to choose a reliable vehicle invite you were unpleasantly surprised when at STK, or to betray aci your car at the least opportune moment.
Good evening, I wanted to ask about my friend sells AUTO which was brought from Germany and on March 7, 2013 we entered car complies with Euro 2 and the eco tax was paid'll probably pay it again if the car transcript will be made in November 2013? thank you
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