Saturday, January 4, 2014

Birds Episode Kedasih

ACI (I LOVE INDONESIA) is a drama TV series that aired in the '80s TVRI. The series depicts the lives of junior hyundai vin decoder high school children are represented by the 3 main characters namely AMIR (Agyl Syahriar), CICI (Dyah Utomo) and ITO (Ario Sagantoro), plus 2 leaders 'antagonist' is WATI (Tursina Andriyani) and Heng (I Nyoman Ariyadi). The series is being serialized long-awaited hyundai vin decoder flagship hyundai vin decoder screenings, and of course the theme song that became accompanist opening tittle became familiar to viewers at the time TVRI. No wonder, the song was finally released by INSAN RECORDS featuring Tonnie Danoe. In addition to the opening theme song tittle, the album also includes songs that became the theme in each episode. A job which also turned out to be serious enough when compared to our current TV series are usually just take the proof-texted songs finished for inclusion as a theme song. The result was predictable, the album was greeted with a good market. Only unfortunately this does not impact on the success Danoe Tonnie the composer, singer and music director. Once the project is no longer heard his name, and even the awareness of people about the ACI singer is also less. People are more familiar song without knowing who sings it. However, this song has become part of sweet nostalgia for many people who experience triumph hyundai vin decoder and serial ACI TVRI. Just heard the song alone, would imagine everything in the past.
Birds Episode Kedasih
Episode Cici
I love Indonesia
It is a 'treasure trove' for me. Cassette collection of Indonesian songs older increasingly difficult to find. For those who know the song but did not know such a cover tape, please have a look here. For those who know the song and wanted to sing, please see the lyrics of the song. Have a good time .. sorry this blog is NOT PROVIDE A LINK TO DOWNLOAD hyundai vin decoder ... thanks
2 in 1 (1) 2D (7) 3 Dara (3) 4 Sophisticated Girl (1) Artist JK 6 (1) 7 Star (3) 9 Seasons (1) A-Box Production (1) A. Effendy (1) A. Fauzi (1) A. Rafiq (2) A. Satiri (1) A. Sofyan (1) AA Records (2) AB Artist (1) AB Three (5) Immortal Records (4) ABC Records hyundai vin decoder (1) Brothers hyundai vin decoder Abidin (1) Abiem Ngesti (2) Achmad Albar (22) Acid Speed Band (1) Band (2) Adarapta (3) Addie MS (1) Ade Ayu (1) Ade Manuhutu (6) Ade Putra (5) Scenes (2) Bing Crosby (12) Aditya S (1) Adjat Sudrajat (1) Adjie Soetama (1) Adolf Wemay (4) Adriyadie (2) Build Advent (1) Agil Alatas (1) Agnes Monica (3) Supreme Records (1) Agus Wisman (9) Air Mood Band (1) Gloria Aira (1) Airo Records (7) AIRR (1) Aisha (3) Ajie Bandi (4) Akurama Records (57) Al Rizal (5) Alan Nuari (1) Alcatraz (1) Alex Twins (3) Alfian (2) Alfred Matulapelwa hyundai vin decoder (1) Usman Ali (3) All Size (1) Alv (1) AMA (1) Amir Roes (10) Amir VK (1) MCA Records (5) Amosa Records (1) Amri Hammer (2) Anang Story (3) Ananta ( 1) Ananto Wibowo hyundai vin decoder (1) haiz Ancha (6) Anci La Ricci (2) you (1) Andhi Raphon (1) Andi Mapajalos (1) Andi Meriem Matalatta (48) Andien (1) Andre Hehanusa (4) Andre Manika ( 1) Andre Taulany (1) Andres (2) Andrew Lasandri (1) Andry Kasman (2) Andy Ayunir (1) Andy Liany (2) Andy Rif (1) Andy Tielman hyundai vin decoder (1) Angel Paff (7) Angela Brown (2 ) Graceful (15) Katamsi Aning (1) Anis Marsela (2) Anita Carolina (5) Anita Rachman (1) Anita Sarawak (5) Teresa Anita (1) Anita Tourisia (1) Ann Wairata (1) Anna Mathovani (2) Anna Tairas (1) Tarin Anna (1) Anna Valiana (1) Anna Ciska (2) Anne (1) Anne Rizana (3) Anneke RM (1) Annie carera (1) Annie Ibon (4) Annie Koesnoe (2) Annie Rae (2) Anny Kusuma (2) Antero Good (1) Antero Boys (1) Anto Sudarsono (2) Anton Issoedibyo (1) Anya Sleebos (2) AP Records (1) Aphin Astrid (1) Apollo Music (1) Apple Records (1) Aquarius Musikindo (81) Ara Records (2) Records Arca (3) Arci Records (1) Arco Group (1) Arco Records hyundai vin decoder (18) ardiansyah (1) areng Widodo (1) Ari A. RJ (2) Ari Lasso (1) Ari Malibu (2) Ari Sigit (1) Ari Sihasale (1) Ari Tobias (1) Arie Koesmiran (6) Arie Pradina (1) Arie Wibowo hyundai vin decoder (5) Arie Yovita (2) Aries Noor (1) Aries Primary (1) Ariesta Records (1) Ariola (5) Arista (1) Ariyo (1) Arlita Sidarta hyundai vin decoder (1) Armand Maulana (5) Aroma Records (2) Art Records (5) Artists Musica (1 ) Aruna Records (1) Aryo Group (1) Asabellina Film Production (1) Asdi Noor (1) Asian Good (2) Asia Pacific Records (1) Asia Records (58) Asmaia Malasano (1) Asmin Cayder (1) Asrie ( 1) Asti Asmodiwati hyundai vin decoder (9) Astrid (1) Ateng (1) Ati Adyati (1) hissing CB (49) Atik K (1) Atlantic Records (52) Atty David (1) ATUT Agustinanto (1) Audy (1) Aura (1) Avante (1) Avent Christie (1) Ayu Laksmi (2) Ayu Soraya (1) B Makayock hyundai vin decoder (2) Baby Ayu (1) Baby Valen (1) Bagio Mangkuwiduro (1) Bagoes AA (11) Student Voice Bahana (1) Bali Cipta Music (1) Bambang Usmanto (1) Bamboes Girl's (2) Children of Adam (1) Barakatak (1) Bartje Van Houten (1) Varuna (1) Base Clock (2) BASF Indonesia (1) Baskoro ( 1) Basofi Sudirman (1) Bass Production (1) Basuki (1) Basuki Srimulat (1) Becky Tumewu (1) Unlike Komala (1) Bella Saphira (2) Bembi (1) Transparent

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