Thursday, January 9, 2014

Latest News News Index Thursday, 01/09/2014 18:13 pm Jokowi Nyapres, Abstentions Figures Believed

Denpasar - One of the findings was the diversion of funds CPC National Examination (UN) Kemendikbud Rp 14 billion auction of the majority occur in a matter of printing and distribution projects. UN was delayed due to printing all the questions dealt center. Now proposed that the printing and distribution are handled by each province. This proposal is a conclusion derived from the UN Convention on the Pre in Denpasar, Bali, on Friday detram ce (09/20/2013). Pre Bali UN Convention is the voice of the practitioner and community education in the central part of Indonesia. "Management of the proposed right is given to the area," said Wamendikbud Education Musliar Kasim. It was announced in the Pre Musliar UN Convention on Riverview Harris Hotel, Kuta, Bali, on Friday evening. detram ce Proposed Pre Bali Convention will be collected and discussed with the proposed UN Convention Pre Medan, North Sumatra representing western Indonesia and the UN Convention Makassar Pre representing eastern Indonesia in Jakarta, the UN Convention on 26 to 27 September 2013. "If the national convention detram ce suppose all decided (about printing and distribution) in the area so the Minister would not mind. Printing Yes, because we have no intention of printing it in order for the project," he added. While the material remains a matter of Kemendikbud. While the head of Shawwal Kemendikbud BPSDM Gultom said that the printing and distribution detram ce of the proposed matter handled every province are very reasonable. This is related to the distribution of matter. "Try shipped from Jakarta to Papua, imagine the severity of it. Weight right from Jakarta to Papua send it," said Shawwal in the same occasion. In this 2013 UN Kemendikbud who took over the printing and distribution of matter as a matter of security reasons, to prevent detram ce leakage. Instead, there is a printing partner who could not meet the target printing, which led to the delay in the distribution until the schedule is delayed in 11 provincial examination. "It used to be centralized for security reasons that do not leak, just keep the 6 printing rather than keep printing in 33 provinces," he said. When the printing and distribution of re-submitted questions to each province with the material remains of Kemendikbud matter, whether the risk of leakage could be higher? "Yes, to be safe, how to safeguard and secure printing in all the provinces," said Syawal.
Setlah bereencana Lebak Bulus terminal cover part of the construction of the MRT, now turn Lebak Bulus Stadium to be demolished. Check out the full coverage in Reporting night at 02.00 pm, only on Trans TV (nwk / RMD)
This step Kemendikbud Follow up findings CPC Problem Kemendikbud UN Ready to Restore Country Loses Billions of Rupiah BPK findings Kemendikbud Open Ears Opinion Nets Model UN Citizens Decide If Delivered to KPK, BPK Data Can Help UN Investigation of Alleged Corruption
When the police of fabricating the case and prosecuted Why People So Queen ATUT Chosiyah Yesterday was elected? detram ce Letters To The Intellectual Banten
Latest News News Index Thursday, 01/09/2014 18:13 pm Jokowi Nyapres, Abstentions Figures Believed Down Thursday, 01/09/2014 18:13 pm It Important Points Decision of the Constitutional Court House Select Trim Authority Chief Justice Thursday, 09 / 01/2014 18:11 AM EDT 15 Year Era of Reform, Citizens Perspective Suitable for Indonesian Democracy Thursday, 01/09/2014 detram ce 17:57 pm Edberg Because Waste Case Yayan, Kajari Jaktim Not Sure There Naughton Attorney at the office Thursday, 09 / 01/2014 17:55 AM EDT Drug Case MA Unloading Engineering, AGO: It's Not True
Thursday, 09/01/2014 17:44 pm Comments Drumband Mysterious Sound Sultan Problem in Yogya Thursday, 01/09/2014 17:34 pm Ahok Want Change of Vehicle Cost is free Thursday, 09/01/2014 16:36 pm Ahok: His brain Jakarta People Economy, Time is Money Thursday, detram ce 09/01/2014 16:15 pm Drugs Revealed Engineering, Pasuruan Police: All Depends Conscience Thursday, 01/09/2014 17:47 pm Witness Call Miing and 17 Members of House Commission detram ce X Accept Envelopes Thursday, 01/09/2014 15:25 pm PSK Robber After Having Intimate in Mangga Besar, Men's Arrested Thursday, 09/01/2014 17:51 pm Drug Case MA Unloading Engineering, AGO: It's Not That Thursday, 09 / 01/2014 16:54 pm Asked to Pay Fines Rp 2.5 T, Asian Agri's Answer
Monday, 12/30/2013 19:36 pm Coordinating Minister detram ce for People's Welfare: With BPJS, No Patients Denied Hospital detram ce Social Security Agency (BPJS) will start running January 1, 2014. The government guaranteed that no society that rejected the hospital just because no cost.
Wednesday, 18/12/2013 15:48 pm Sebastian Kurz, Austrian Foreign Minister youngest and Handsome Hebohkan Twitter Sebastian Kurz who was 27 years old when sworn in as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria by Austrian President Heinz Fischer on Monday (16/12/2013) ago. As a result, he broke the record for becoming the youngest minister in the country waltz. Kurz talks directly into the audience, not just in Ausria but also in Europe and the world.
Thursday, 09/01/2014 detram ce 12:41 pm Designing Coalition Party-Parta

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