Sunday, February 22, 2015

Presses the positive pra ravenna probe multimeter pra ravenna in ohmmeter mode to the conclusion of

Generator rectifier (diode bridge) car VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 is designed to convert alternating current produced by the generator to direct current. His fault (short circuit, open circuit, "breakdown") is responsible for the disappearance or reduction of issued them this most current needed to charge the battery and operation of consumers in the vehicle electrical system.
- The indicator lamp does not light discharge the battery by turning the key in the ignition and lights up when the engine is running. All other appliances and lamps are functioning normally. Voltmeter needle is either in the red zone, or on its boundary.
In three positive diode bridge diode, three negative and three additional. The diode must pass an electric current in only one direction and in another way (by this we will build during the audit of the diode bridge). A faulty diode (valve) or do not pass current - break or misses pra ravenna in both directions - diode "broken."
Checking the diode bridge generator car VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 with the test light for a short
Positive probe multimeter in ohmmeter mode is pressed to the conclusion of the generator 30. Negative to one of the bolts of the diode bridge. If diodes are in good resistance tends to infinity.
Serve plus from battery through a test light to the output of the generator 30. Minus the battery to start up with one of the bolts of the diode bridge. If the lamp is lit, "broken" one or more positive diodes.
Putting plus battery through a test lamp with one of the bolts of the diode bridge. Minus of the battery to provide the generator housing. pra ravenna Lamp lights - negative pra ravenna diodes are faulty, no - it's all right.
Presses the positive pra ravenna probe multimeter pra ravenna in ohmmeter mode to the conclusion of the generator 61. Negative presses one of the bolts of the diode bridge. pra ravenna Resistance tends to infinity - additional pra ravenna diodes are intact.
Putting plus battery through a test light with the output of the generator 61. Minus of the battery is supplied to one of the bolts of the diode bridge. Lamp lights - extra diodes are faulty, no - it's all right.
- If you need more specifically determine the cause of failure of the diode bridge generator car VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099, it is necessary to remove the generator from the engine, take it apart and check each of the diodes. pra ravenna See. Article on the website: "Checking the diode bridge generator car VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 (to remove the engine generator)."
Navigation Checking the diode bridge generator car VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 (for removal pra ravenna from the engine generator) Fuel car VAZ 2105, 21051, 21053, 2104, 21043, 2107, 21074
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Categories of articles Engine (15) malfunctions related to engine carburetor (12) Options and span data Solex carburetors in 2108 and 2105, 2107 Ozone (13) Miscellaneous (16) Adjusting the carburetor (12) Repair and maintenance pra ravenna of carburettors 2108, 21081, 21083 Solex and 2105-2107 Ozone (16) car ignition system (12) Fuel System (10) Tuning carburetor (9) Device carburetor (23) Electric (6)
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