Aqueous layer California, which is guarded by federal law and state laws, is heavily polluted. Experts talk about a serious danger to human health. Management of water resources of California sent to the Agency for Environmental Protection letter said that in the aquifer of Central California have been dumped motorcycle vin check free illegally around 12 billion. Liters of wastewater, reports motorcycle vin check free Russia Today.
Half of the water samples taken from eight water wells, showed extremely high levels of arsenic - a carcinogen, and thallium, which enters into the composition of rat poison. The degree of contamination has not yet been established, but the management said that 19 other wells may have contributed to the current pollution.
According to the Center for Biological Diversity, these findings point to serious shortcomings in the control of the observance of the measures for protection of people and nature in California. Unconditionally, to determine the actual level of contamination should be conducted serious study. It is clear, however, that the reason for the penetration of these substances into the aquifer is fracking and processes about it.
"A recent study in California confirms motorcycle vin check free that fracking can lead to extensive groundwater motorcycle vin check free contamination. It is important to note that in this state there was illegal dumping of waste water, which led to massive poisoning with the nearby water sources, "said Steiner.
He also said that this is the first time the government confirmed the information about contaminated groundwater as a result of fracking. "This happened in California - a state with sufficiently stringent rules on environmental protection and health and a serious government oversight. If fracking has led to such consequences in California, imagine what would happen if this had happened in North Dakota or in another US state or in any country in the world where government oversight is less effective, "added expert.
Geological hydrocarbon formations are created under specific conditions from organic compounds of marine sediments. Part of the hydrocarbons are in m. Called. Shale (Group metamorphic rocks, characterized by a layered structure and the presence of a number of minerals, such as silicates, chlorite, quartz, motorcycle vin check free talc, graphite, etc.). Unlike conventional oil and gas, which are porous and split earth layers, making them much easier to acquire, non-conventional oil and gas in the shale layers are stored in tiny cracks and porous' pockets. " These rocks are characterized by extremely low permeability deposits volume in them are small compared with conventional and scattered large areas of tens of thousands of square kilometers. Furthermore, due to the low content of hydrocarbons in the mother rock yields are lower and special techniques, which are to be used it additionally expensive, as they require large amounts of water and chemicals such as the insertion of the supplement.
This technology is a huge injection under pressure (up to 1000 atmospheres) by probes of millions of gallons of water mixed with more than 600 toxic chemicals (many of which are known to be carcinogenic), at great depths in the Earth (1.5 to 6 km) with breaking down the shale layer and the release contained therein natural motorcycle vin check free gas (source card in "Capital"). Hydraulic fracturing combined with horizontal drilling allows to extract gas from reservoirs that previously were considered extremely difficult to access. The probe forms an opening, and then deep into the cracks are created. Thanks to the injected under high pressure so. Called. Fracking fluid cracks expand and spread into the rock and so increases the area that can be extracted natural gas. As the stabilizer in the injected fluid fracking commonly used sand, to prevent closing of the cracks after the initial injection. Leaving cracks open, it becomes possible liberated by breaking gas to go up in the well. The gas comes from the well with the processed water, separated from it and stored in tanks from where it is pumped into the gas network.
Each gas-extraction company creates motorcycle vin check free its fracking fluid containing different combinations of chemicals. Report of the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the US House of Representatives (Lower House of Congress) entitled "Chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing", found that between 2005 and 2009, fourteen leading gas companies in the United States have used over 2500 Product motorcycle vin check free hydraulic motorcycle vin check free fracturing containing 750 chemicals. Some components are widespread and generally harmless, motorcycle vin check free such as salt and citric acid. Others are extremely toxic, such as lead and benzene. Benzene
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