Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Pineapple Park can also be seen along the road, cornfields, fast arrival nada NYERI City (ABERDARE

This year marks the Emirates (EK) Direct Taiwan; therefore contributed to a unique combination of Kenya + Dubai ... Unfortunately, Taiwan's airport failed to meet the standard A380 landing model; it can only B777-300 models experience, we take the EK367 2345/0510 nada (flight time 9: 25HR) While flying for quite a long time; but on the big screen audio-visual systems and machine multiple videos can kill a lot of time; perhaps some friends also noticed the aircraft on top of the lights After the simulated night sky fluorescent pattern, is really quite special nada design arrived EK exclusive TERMINAL3, are not able to stop the terminal;! is perhaps the reason for the construction or flight busy bar, because the next trip to visit Nairobi, Kenya flight to wait five hours; it can exchange Meal Coupon in EK counter, a variety of restaurants within the airport can be switched to drinks and light food, but unfortunately not to force the Dubai airport; although there is no free Wifi use 30 minutes nada free, real! Finally it is difficult to even go on consuming when boarding;! aircraft fly ... not long after the airport announced that due to mechanical failure; change planes and again at four hours after boarding .... Well once again picking up! Meal Coupon, former nada counter to the aircraft 16:00; 20:00 to change, so that would have to be fair and to teach Marseille CARNIVORE had to cancel dinner; eat into hotel 07/05 (six) in Nairobi NAIROBI Tips: * CARNIVORE, carnivore barbecue meal, the world famous restaurants ㄧ 50. Soup, all kinds of condiments dish, salad (not enough can be added), the staple food of all kinds of meat [], do not remain seated, the waiter will be brought baked, unlimited supply, eating surrender to the above white sauce pan Unplug chess far, free dessert is Italian-style ice cream (four kinds of taste choose 2) OR fruit salad (which can add ice cream). nada [MENU] left FREE tea or coffee ice cream and beverage fee to the right of the [MENU].
* Pay healthy cocktail waiter will sell DAWA 400 shillings (honey + vodka + lemon juice). In the Capitol before the International Conference nada Center near Rouge Park .telposta tower alas, very good location close to the hotel security staff checked strictly before, detailed investigation board staff, car chassis and then into the Lobby; (expense) night stay Intercontinental Hotel..! To check the hand and the metal detector, after the terrorist attacks on another level of security really is .. * Nairobi (Marseille language; where there is ice): an altitude of about 1600 meters; population 2,000,000; (the locals speak English or Swahili); because in 1899 the Ukrainian Ganda railway supply and prosperity; the colonial capital of British East Africa; after 1963 became the capital of independent ****************** ********** Kenya Nairobi airport clearance new information: 1. arrived holding passports, immigration, customs alone, VISA forms and US $ 50, and soon to pass off. (Off the word immigrant VISA; groups should row in the same row) 2. customs nada clearance at the same time face recognition system archive; right hand fingerprint archive (first left 4 fingers -> thumb fingerprint machine; the right hand after the same action) 3. After going to the baggage carousel sequentially wait baggage. 4. turntable next to banks, each charge for 100 shillings [float]. Be first for USD50 or 100 spare. Kenyan territory dollars transaction no problem, pay merchants for dollars will find shillings. 1USD: 85-90 Kenyan shilling (KES) 5. Tim take the green line free baggage claim and customs export LOCAL Assistant to join. No airport porter, luggage dragging nada themselves out of customs, to the parking lot on the car (very close; careful slopes; do not fall) 6. The airport is about 30 - 45 minutes into the city to normal, the current road congestion in broadening nada easy ****** ************************* 07/06 (Japan) Day Nairobi - Aberdare National Park ABERDARE NATIONAL PARK (2.5-3 h) (Accommodation: Tree House)
French missionaries nada around AD 1892-1893 year will bring 入肯亚 Bounbor tree planting. This native species is called Bourbon French Mission Varietal (French missionaries species), avoiding the improved scientific methods nada in the planting nada process, nada retains most of the original flavor nada of bourbon. Kenya unique red volcanic soil, and then with the appropriate coffee growth temperature and rainfall, coupled with the excellent natural environment, creating a unique flavor 锡卡哈尼亚 manor French missionaries species. Kenya coffee unique and rich blueberry fruit, in addition to environmental factors and species, delicate nada washing technology also plays a major role, Kenyan coffee washing time up to 72 hours (usually washed coffee nada Central and South America, the longest nor more than 30 hours), after 30 to 48 hours of fermentation, the coffee pods removed from the water tank, and then after 24 hours of water immersion, creating Kenya coffee mellow fruity sweetness. ********** 8: 30-11: 00 drive about 1.5 hours; there are rest stops on the toilet and can buy souvenirs ... Kenya's famous ebony carvings But, remember to bargain ... ah! recommendation from 3 to kill off from ebony Ebony, also known as "ebony", produced in Africa, is extremely rare species, known as the "wood of the diamond." Ebony as ink, quality, such as iron, extremely slow growth cycle, an ebony tree sized thick growth of at least two hundred years. African black ebony color and skin color close, and there is a natural harmony in Africa, some tribes also held a quasi-religious cult when felled ebony. Because of the rare, extremely expensive so ebony, however in recent years due to Western countries as well as China, South Korea and other countries the bulk purchase of this valuable timber, endangered African ebony. Now, find a tree ebony tree in Africa harder than finding a gold mine sitting! Africa is the home of sculpture, nada the most famous is the ebony wood, known as Africa's most colorful Yiyuan wonderful work. Because ebony texture is very hard, very difficult carving. Before carving artisans to the shape of the ebony outline of ideas in my mind, with an ax and then cut out the rough shape, then chisels, files and other tools to carve out the details, the last for a long time with sandpaper grinding, a black woodcarving craftsmen to take one to two months time. Ebony carvings are usually handmade using simple tools, so ebony wood carving style is simple, natural and simple, and many crafts nada retains traces of logs.
Pineapple Park can also be seen along the road, cornfields, fast arrival nada NYERI City (ABERDARE nada NP portal), the sides have tea (according to the driver introduction, Kenya tea ranked third in the world in Darjeeling and Ceylon tea (now Sri Lanka) After that, with those four lines to slowly turn into two lanes, we have slowly into approximately 1800 meters of rainforest mountain area from an altitude of 1500 meters, here are Aberdare Mountains; Kenya's "odd Library sterile" Kikuyu "race to Nyandarua nearby mountains; elevation mountain named 3905; Gikuyu odd library is the most fertile Kenyan tribe population of a nation, with approximately 5,347,000 people, accounting for about 22% of the total population.
This ride has been a local mountain rainforest (1947-1956; anti-British "hairy Movement") guerrilla hideout. 1950 establishment of the National Park; (770 square kilometers) north of Nairobi; located east of the Rift Valley nada column; with rich equatorial rainforest vegetation we visited in July; the theoretical part of the southern hemisphere winter; nada after entering the mountains; the temperature dropped to about 15 degrees; it is going to take this season to warm coat; Although Kenya is located near the equator, in addition to this area;! fundamental to around 25 during the day or when it comes to meeting the climate, the benefits of this season to reduce the infection is less mosquitoes .. ! After leaving the chances of malaria rest stop, and then about 1.5 hours; we arrived at the tree house outpost Outspan Hotel for lunch and Check-in luggage arrived OUTSPAN HOTEL, nada welcome drink fruit juice, CHECK IN baggage from the left side of the restaurant into the hotel lobby! the direction of the door into the garden, this hotel was originally a 1926 Lord and Lady Baden Powell English manor house; also the headquarters of the Girl Scouts of the time. Free Wifi (password: 102 938 475); signal strong!
Kenya common plants Candelabrum Spurge (Euphorbia tree candlesticks; 15 meters high; poisonous sap; the figure below) Acacia nada (thorn Dakui wood; an Acacia) There is also a number of giraffes eat sausage Sausage Tree (Bignoniaceae; Fruit can be used to add flavor beer) after eating lunch to take the Treetop tour bus (usually 14:30 departure; recommends 14:15 on the car; compare a chance to sit on both sides of the position nada of the window) to the tree house; nada because Our drivers are staying in town; so take the hotel shuttle bus went unified tree house (about 30 minutes); before entering the road can be seen in succession warthog Wart Hog, Waterbuck Waterbuck, Hartebeest Heartbeest, and other wild baboon Baboon animal
TREETOPS LODGE: 1952 年 2 月 Princess Elizabeth Check treehouse; Yin Qiaozhi six world died after returning to the throne for the queen; so it is believed Treetops nada hotel accommodation or can change nada the fate of your life to take the hotel shuttle bus on arrival; can exterior shot, luggage if you can go home with a car, a porter will be sent TREETOPS hall, service staff will explain the provisions of the tree house accommodation nada after departure. Along visible: Case of wildlife strikes to hide fences, animal observation station, the original tree house, tree house pictures now; follow the guards go, can not leave without nada permission, after passage through the grid into the tree house upstairs, after entering that can not go out and shall strictly comply with the relevant provisions of the stay, free activities, see the animals, playing ,,,.
Tree house or underground off about the Tower View Terrace, sprinkle salt pool common to see animals: elephant elephant, buffalo buffalo, Waterbuck waterbuck, warthog warthog, leopard (leopard; tree) leopard Bongo BONGO ANTELOPE nada eland (white! striped yellow body double angle) Floor Guide: 3 Floor: outdoor balcony smoking nada room; 2nd floor TV room:.... Dinner nada Restaurant (former restaurant giant elephant ivory door) Afternoon Tea Restaurant and Bar (with large windows; can also enjoy the pool emerging animal) 1 F: far right outdoor ladder back to the first floor flat close view window can be photographed room: no TV; no phone; knock Wake; night thermos (older called "Terrapin ') feet warm; there are two free bottles of water bottles travel at their own expense *: USD45 ~ USD50 (hotel car) * 7.8 months for the southern hemisphere winter; Although Kenya is the equatorial region, the mountains or cold; remember to bring warm clothing 19:30 Dinner , long table: nada soup, bread, salad, the staple food: fish, chicken, beef, pasta choose an after dinner dessert + tea or coffee **************** *****
7/7 Day Aberdare -1.5 hours - Equator - Earth Cut 2 hours - Lake Nakuru National Park LAKE NAKURU NATIONAL PARK- 2 Hours - After Lake Naivasha NAIVASHA (LAKE NAIVASHA SIMBA LODGE) breakfast, hotel as if a cloud outside .. .. really like fairyland Africa continued to take the hotel shuttle bus (30 minutes) and the driver nada went to join the Outspan Hotel, ready to go to the lake; we like to use it to see the effort nada on Wifi .. Ha! foreigners luxury jeep .. very envious general RV we use .. not quite feel the grade lower temperatures nada due to the tree house the night before;!! so we obviously added a coat and clothing nada scarf today ... but with those drive continued north, the sun slowly spread .. equatorial nada rainforest scene has slowly become a prairie scene and then we began to really take off your jacket ... equatorial climate will not lie about 2.5 hours to arrive equator;! roadside shop selling Sell equator certificate different .. clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere (1 USD8) and demonstration of the north and south latitude flow direction, counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere, (Coriolis principle, French scientists discovered). The sun too .. After all the toilet; got in the car to leave!
This season car window; consistent breeze coming nada in is very comfortable ... to open about 1.5 hours;! We stopped in East vantage nada points to take pictures of the earth graben Great Rift Valley is about 9600 km; magnificent canyon views; Great Rift Valley north of the Middle East Jordan, all the way south to Mozambique, really incredibly huge. Great Rift Valley is 35 million years ago, the formation of plate movement; the deepest 2000 meters; 30-100 km wide; irregular triangle; South Point: Mozambique estuaries; North Point: Dead 海苏丹: Jordan Rift Valley have been found ! 2.9 million prehistoric human remains from the high altitude here in order to learn about their appearance; stand by the roadside can only feel a general valley; there are those who farm and ranch just along the mountain;! gradually go downhill; or continue along the road There are coffee plantations, corn, pasture and tea appear .. finally arrived in Lake Naruku Lakes lunch at a great Lodge: Sarova Lion Hill Lodge; Nakuru National Park is located in succession along the way so you can see some of Kenya wildlife; water antelope, baboons and Kenya Te some birds
********** Tips: Nakuru Lake is 65 km wide with earth graben formed lake, for a variety of birds protected areas of common birds: flamingo population, pelican 鶦, ibises, storks, saddle

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