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Mold in hay is the most likely cause of mass extinct animals in the metropolitan zoo. Whether it was delivered poor quality feed, or it was stored incorrectly and this has led to the occurrence of mycotoxins, remains 99likes to be demonstrated. Official examination and report of the Bulgarian Agency for Food Safety are not yet ready. "Some samples are expected from abroad, you may need to send more. This is an investigation and do not know how long. We can not tell the supplier of feed. Ask about Sofia Municipality ", answered by our" Public Relations "Agency. Meanwhile, longtime head of the Sofia Zoo Dr. Ivan Ivanov was replaced by the former head of "Ecoravnovesie" Dr. Manol Neykov. Ivanov remains of his old job as a veterinarian. In an interview with "SHOW", he said that his health has deteriorated - stress scandal stent in his heart he created the problem, and even the doctor 99likes was taken to hospital on 25 August. Ivanov 99likes hinted that it was very likely the death of animals is a criminal offense - an intentional poisoning scandal in order to lead to his removal from office. Too expensive price for the head of a government official?! ... They died camel, bison, 2 collar, Capricorn, Gaur and several cows whose market value amounts to a large sum in dollars. Versions of unprecedented plague in Sofia Zoo are different, but all rely ultimately to "carelessness against 99likes a lot of money and scam" - so labeling it very vets colleagues Dr. Ivanov. They may come to justice the guilty 99likes parties. Reporter "SHOW" decided to razchopli scandal and to understand what is so attractive place of chief metropolitan zoo?
Sofia zoo passes for the biggest on the Balkan Peninsula. It has existed since 1888 once stood on the site of the former royal palace. Due to the passion of Ferdinand Collectibles wildlife collection grew rapidly and soon the place in the palace does not reach. It should move to the Botanical Garden. In 1892, the zoo were brought first two lions that the same year is a male cub. Purchase and exchange of animals continues and a new move. So, up to today, seemingly modern zoo, where children are happy to see their favorites, while the adults watch with a growing distrust of the matter is it humane treatment of animals in a cage, which now number 1,300 and to feed their allocated state budget of 1 million. and 300 000 lev. Fact that never before today, for two-decades-management Sofia Zoo by Dr. Ivan Ivanov there was no such mass "crashed out". There is, of course, deaths, but individual animals. For intentional poisoning remember only hippos Hibolko. Criminal offense was proven through security footage. The question arises:
Elephant Artayda, which is the most expensive animal in the metropolitan zoo also eat hay - 190 kg per day. Zoo veterinarians work four, each of which is specialized in the cultivation and preservation of the health of a species. Therefore, there is a doctor who is responsible for health and certain food ration of herbivores. Unlike humans, they had to be fed by a fixed amount of food, vets say. The question is whether 99likes the hay has not come problem within the zoo or because of the rains was not stored in the right conditions. Whose fault is it, if it turns out that the reason is mold? Bodies of dead animals were sent for virological, bacteriological 99likes and toxicological study in the National Diagnostic Veterinary Research Institute "Prof. Dr. G. Pavlov "(NDRVMI) to NVS. And have sent samples of the food animal for testing for the presence of pesticides and mycotoxins. Currently stocks of feed were banned and other animals do not eat them. Results of other laboratory tests revealed expected within ... indefinitely. 99likes
"SHOW" questioned several of the leading veterinary light
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