Thursday, January 1, 2015

The title of the study is Estrogen and Androgen Receptor Activities of Hydraulic Fracturing Chemica

Scientific Report: Chemicals from fracking lead to cancer and infertility | From Source
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New research published in the journal. Endocrinology - edition of The Endocrine Society - shows that infamous fracking technology used for oil and natural vehicle check gas used multiple chemicals that cause hormonal imbalance in man. These chemicals affecting the endocrine system, known as EDC and are chemicals vehicle check that confuse the normal functioning of hormones. EDC (or endocrine-disrupting chemicals) used in other manufactured products, such as certain foods and such processing of air, water and soil. The study makes the link between the EDC and the emergence of infertility and cancers in humans, as well as frequent cases of babies born with disabilities.
"More than 700 chemicals are used in fracking vehicle check process, and many confuse vehicle check the function of hormones. Given the increasingly widespread use of fracking, people will be confronted with a corresponding increase in extreme health problems associated vehicle check with disabilities from EDC. "
The survey covers 12 already known or suspected chemical, confusing the endocrine system vehicle check and used in the extraction of natural gas. There have been tests of the ability of these substances to mimic or block the reproductive hormones of men and women. To determine the extent to which hydraulic fracturing has dangerous effects on health, the researchers took samples of surface and underground water sources located in Garfield County, Colorado. In this area there are over 10,000 wells for shale gas, some of which became famous with spills and accidents. These samples were compared with other samples taken from regions of Garfield County, there are no spills and from Boone County, Missouri.
Samples of water from areas where active mining shale gas, contain higher EDC, able to affect the functions of androgens - type hormones, including testosterone is and reproductive hormone estrogen. Sources are detected in moderate or excessive levels of EDC, and the samples from the Colorado River, near which are sites for hydraulic fracturing - show moderate vehicle check levels. vehicle check For comparison, samples of water from the regions where it is applied fracking contain negligible EDC substances.
"Fracking is exempt vehicle check from federal regulations protecting water quality, but spills associated with the extraction of natural gas, pollute surface and underground sources of drinking water. We found more chemicals acting adversely on the endocrine system, close to the drilling areas than in other places. They pose a risk for the occurrence vehicle check of reproductive, metabolic, neurological and other diseases, especially in children exposed by EDC. "
The title of the study is Estrogen and Androgen Receptor Activities of Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals and Surface vehicle check and Ground Water in a Drilling-Dense Region. It has been published online before the release of the print edition.
For Owner | Ivan Stamenov - Owner was born in 1979, as his early years pass in wanderings around the country and abroad. In recent years, for better and worse, lives in Sofia, but his thoughts and to draw the Retreat, which is "not of this world" (John 18, 36). Professional gained experience as a journalist and freelance translator, but considers his calling to preach in areas that are "outside the mandate". vehicle check All publications of the Owner
Professor vehicle check Anthony Ingrafea has a very good lecture to the citizens of New York to fracking. He was involved vehicle check in practical research of energy giants is its conclusion that applies to us, is "here and now yield screwing our grandchildren."
His lectures I got here: I've done and translation (even if you know English is worth to use it for specified names and converted units ).
"Looking vision!" - Dr. Rudolf Steiner TCO "What requires new spirit" - Rudolf Steiner Anthroposophic therapy: Causes and treatment of aggression and auto-aggression Christmas Eve: And when you began that my Advent before Christmas pension ...

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